Following Discussions

When you follow a discussion, you can receive update notifications for discussions.
If the space is public, you can also follow discussions of the space you have not joined.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Space.

  3. Click the name of the space.

  4. Select the discussions you want to follow.

  5. Click "Follow" on the "Discussion" screen.

    Image showing the "Follow" button surrounded by the red rectangle box

  6. Confirm that "Follow" is now "Following".

    Image showing the "Following" button surrounded by the red rectangle box

    You can unfollow the discussion by clicking "Following".

How to Confirm the Users Following the Discussion

You can check the follower list of the discussion by clicking Link to check the followers in options on "Discussion" screen.
Screen capture: Showing the follower members of a discussion

a) : Displays a list of members who are joining the space and following the discussion.

b) : Displays a list of users who are not members of the space but following the discussion.