What Is a Role?

A role represents the position or function that is assigned to a specific group of users.

  • Manager Role
  • Secretary Role

Illustration: Showing an example of configuring roles

In Garoon, you can set administrative privileges and permissions for roles, and specify roles as recipients of notifications and users of "Shared with".

Role Usage Example

The following is an example of setting permission to access the "confidential" category in the bulletin board for the "manager" role.
Depending on the permission settings, the category looks like the following.

  • Users who have been assigned the "manager" role:
    The "confidential" category is displayed on the bulletin board.
    Screenshot: Image with the "confidential" category
  • Users who have not been assigned as the "manager" role:
    The "confidential" category is not displayed on the bulletin board.
    Screenshot: Image without the "confidential" category

Preconfigured Roles in Garoon

The following roles are set by default.

Dynamic roles

Users are dynamically assigned to these roles. These roles do not appear in the role list.
The following roles are available

  • Everyone:
    All users have this role. When Everyone is selected as a target of permissions, the permissions granted to Everyone are applied to all users automatically.
  • LoginUser:
    Logged-in user has this role. When LoginUser is selected as a target of permissions, the permissions granted to LoginUser are applied to each user during the user logs in Garoon.
  • Owner:
    Currently, no user exists for this role.
  • CommandLine:
    Role that is assigned when running from the command line.
Static roles

Users are fixed for this role.

  • Administrators:
    Role with system administration privilege.

Items for Which Administrators Can Set Roles

"Basic system administration" screen

"Application settings" screen

Features and Apps for Which Users Can Use Roles

You can use roles for the following features and applications.