Trash Settings

You can set whether to use trash and how long to store messages in the trash.

  • If you do not use Trash:
    Deleted messages cannot be restored.
  • If you use Trash:
    Deleted messages are moved to Trash. You can recover deleted messages from the trash if they are within retention period.
    • Cases when messages in Trash are permanently deleted :
      Messages in Trash are permanently deleted in Garoon in the following cases.
      • Messages in Trash are manually deleted
      • The message list screen or the "Message" portlet is displayed after the retention period of Trash has elapsed
        The maximum number of messages that are deleted at a time is 100.
  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted on the top page of Garoon

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. Click Setting of each application.

  4. Click Messages.

  5. Click Trash settings.

  6. On the "Trash settings" screen, set the item for the Trash function.

    To use the trash, select the "Use" checkbox.
    If the "Use" checkbox is not selected, the trash folder does not appear on the "Messages" screen.
    Image of configuring the Trash feature

  7. In the item for the retention period, set the number of days to keep deleted messages in the trash. Image of configuring the retention period to save messages in Trash

  8. Confirm your settings and click "Save".