How to View the Screen

This section describes icons and buttons that are displayed on the e-mail screen.

Screen with Preview

This section describes how to view the "E-mail" screen when it has a preview pane.
When you display the preview, you can check both the e-mail list and the mail content on the "E-mail" screen.
Unread e-mails are displayed with a yellow background color.
To switch to a preview screen from a screen without it, click "Show Preview" in "Options".
Depending on your system administrator settings, you may not be able to display the preview.

Screenshot: E-mail screen where the preview is displayed

Description of the items
Number Description
1 E-mail account:
Shows the currently selected e-mail account. You can select which account to use if you have created multiple accounts.
  • "Compose" Link:
    The "Compose E-mail" screen opens.
  • "Reply" Link:
    Replies to the recipients listed in "To:" field.
  • "Reply all" Link:
    Replies to all recipients listed in "To:" and "Cc:" address fields.
  • "Forward" Link:
    Forwards the e-mail to another recipient.
  • "Delete" Link:
    Deletes the e-mail.
  • "Move to" Link:
    Moves the selected e-mails to the specified folder.
  • "Status" Link:
    Sets the status of the selected e-mail.
3 Options:
The following menus are displayed.
  • "Printable version" Link:
    The print settings screen appears.
  • "Filter" Link:
    Sets the filter conditions for e-mails.
  • "View source" Link:
    Displays the e-mail header information and body information in a text file.
  • "Save as file" Link:
    You can export e-mails to text files.
  • "Character encoding" Link:
    Sets the character encoding of the received e-mail for subjects and bodies.
  • "View in text format" Link:
    This option is displayed only when an HTML e-mail is displayed.
    By clicking this, an HTML e-mail is displayed in text format.
  • "Forward by Messages" Link:
    This option is displayed only if the system administrator has allowed to use the Messages feature.
    Compose a new message using the subject, body, and attachments of the current e-mail.
    For e-mails in HTML format, text and attachments are copied. Attachments are copied to attachments in the body of the new message.
    For details on actions, refer to Sending messages.
  • "Forwarding" Link:
    You can set up conditions and destinations for forwarding e-mails automatically.
  • "Hide preview" Link:
    Switches to a window without preview.
  • "Delete attachments" Link:
    This option is displayed when any files are attached to an e-mail.
    Delete all files attached to the selected e-mail. You cannot select which files to delete.
    The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:
    • View E-mail Source
    • Change character encoding
    • Export to file (UNIX mbox format or eml format)
  • "Delete all" Link:
    Deletes all e-mails in the selected folder.
4 E-mail quotas:
Displays the size of the e-mail data for each account and all accounts stored on the server.
If your system administrator has set the maximum e-mail quota per user, data usage for your quota is also displayed.
5 Items for Search:
Searches e-mails using keywords.
  • "Receive" button:
    Receive e-mails for the account you selected.
    The number indicates the unread e-mails in the mail server.
  • "Receive All" button:
    This field is displayed when multiple user accounts are set.
    When you click "▼", "Receive All" is displayed and all the e-mails sent to all e-mail accounts are received in bulk.
    Image of the receive all button
7 Folder List:
The folders in the "E-mail" screen.
  • (Number):
    The number of unread e-mails in the folder.
  • Setting of update notifications is ONIcon:
    Indicates the folders for which update notifications are set.
  • "Folder actions" Link:
    The following menus are displayed.
    • "Add folder" Link:
      You can add folders.
    • Link for reordering folders:
      Reorders the folders.
    • Folder Details Link:
      Displays folder details.
8 E-mail list:
The e-mails that are saved in the folder that you selected in the Folder list are displayed in the list.
  • Sort fields:
    You can sort e-mails. You can select sort criteria from below.
    • Received date and time
    • Sent
    • From
    • Subject
    • Size
  • descendingIcons for changing order ( and ascending):
    Sorts e-mails in descending order or ascending order.
  • Filter by Status icon:
    You can filter e-mails to view by their statuses.
  • E-mail page feed:
    • Top Icon1:
      Displays the first 100 e-mails.
    • Previous 100 Icon1:
      Displays the previous 100 e-mails.
    • Next 100 Icon1:
      Displays the next 100 e-mails.
9 Separator lines:
You can change the position of the separator line by moving it.
10 E-mail details:
The content of the e-mail that you have selected in the e-mail list is previewed.
  • Hide and view icon:
    Displays or hides the list of e-mails.
  • (Browse/Add) icon:
    Displays information configured in the Personal Address Book.
    If matching e-mail address does not exist in Personal Address Book, the "Add address book entry" screen is displayed.
  • Address field:
    The number the details of the recipients are displayed. To display hidden recipients, click "(Show all recipients)".
    When you click "(Shorten)", only the first recipient of "To:" is displayed.
  • Attachment:
    Downloads an attachment. You can also download multiple attachments at once.
1: Regardless of the setting of "Maximum number of items per screen" in the Personal settings, the number of e-mails displayed per page is 100.
E-mail shortcut key

If you are displaying the preview pane, the following keyboard shortcuts are available on the "E-mail" screen.

Shortcut key Description
K Go to the previous e-mail.
J Go to the next e-mail.
TAB key Moves the cursor focus to the body of the e-mail.
SHIFT + Tab Moves the cursor focus to the e-mail list.
↑ or ↓ If the focus of the cursor is in the body of the e-mail, scrolls through the body of the e-mail.
If the cursor focus is in the e-mail list, go to the next or previous e-mail.
E-mail Icons
Icon Description
E-mails replied to one recipient
E-mails replied to all recipients
Forwarded e-mails
E-mails with attachments

Screen without Preview

This section describes how to view the "E-mail" screen when it does not have a preview pane.
If you do not configure a preview pane on the "E-mail" screen, only the lists of e-mail subjects and senders will be displayed.
Unread e-mails are displayed with a yellow background color.
When you click an e-mail subject, the body of the e-mail can be viewed on the "E-mail Details" screen.
To switch to a screen that does not show previews from the preview screen, click the item to hide previews.
This feature may not be available depending on your system administrator settings.

Screenshot: E-mail screen where the preview is hidden

Description of the items
Number Description
  • "Receive" button:
    Receive e-mails for the account you selected.
    The number indicates the unread e-mails in the mail server.
  • "Receive All" button:
    This field is displayed when multiple user accounts are set.
    When you click "▼", "Receive All" is displayed and all the e-mails sent to all e-mail accounts are received in bulk.
2 E-mail account:
Shows the currently selected e-mail account. You can select which account to use if you have created multiple accounts.
  • "Compose E-mail" link:
    The "Compose E-mail" screen opens.
  • "Folder actions" Link:
    The following menus are displayed.
    • "Add folder" Link:
      You can add folders.
    • Link for reordering folders:
      Reorders the folders.
    • Folder Details Link:
      Displays folder details.
4 Options:
The following menus are displayed.
  • "Forwarding" Link:
    You can set up conditions and destinations for forwarding e-mails automatically.
  • Link for showing previews:
    Switches to a window with preview.
  • "Delete attachments" Link:
    Delete all files attached to the selected e-mail. You cannot select which files to delete.
    The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:
    • View E-mail Source
    • Change character encoding
    • Export to file (UNIX mbox format or eml format)
  • "Delete all" Link:
    Deletes all e-mails in the selected folder.
5 E-mail quotas:
Displays the size of the e-mail data for each account and all accounts stored on the server.
If your system administrator has set the maximum e-mail quota per user, data usage for your quota is also displayed.
6 Items for Search:
Searches e-mails using keywords.
7 Folder List:
The folders in the "E-mail" screen.
  • (Number):
    The number of unread e-mails in the folder.
  • Setting of update notifications is ONIcon:
    Indicates the folders for which update notifications are set.
8 Memo field:
Memos for the folder.
  • Sort fields:
    Sorts e-mails using the following criteria.
    • Subject
    • From
    • Received date and time
    • Sent date and time
    • Size
  • Filter:
    You can filter e-mails to view by their statuses.
10 E-mail list:
The e-mails that are saved in the folder that you selected in the Folder list are displayed in the list.
  • Opening and closing buttons for e-mail details:
    Displays or hides a part of the e-mail body. When you click Read more, the "E-mail Details" screen is displayed.
  • E-mail subject link:
    The e-mail details screen appears.
  • "From" Link:
    The "Show mail log" screen is displayed and you can check the history of sending and receiving e-mails of the sender.
  • Read Receipts:
    This e-mail tells the sender that the recipient of the e-mail has opened the e-mail and checked the contents.
  • selecting/deselecting all e-mailsButton for :
    When you click it, all the checkboxes on the left of each mail are selected.
    The checkboxes are cleared when you click it again.
  • "Delete" Button1:
    Deletes the selected e-mail.
  • "Move" 1:
    Moves the selected e-mail to the specified folder.
  • "Status" 1:
    Sets the status of the selected e-mail.
1 : You click these items after selecting the checkboxes for the target e-mails. These items are grayed out until you select the checkboxes.
E-mail Icons
Icon Description
Regular e-mails
E-mails replied to all recipients
E-mails replied to one recipient
Forwarded e-mails
E-mails with attachments

"E-mail Details" Screen

This section describes how to view the "E-mail Details" screen.
The icons that are displayed on the screen vary depending on the type of e-mails.
This page describes the icons that are displayed on the "E-mail Details" screen of incoming e-mails.
Items that overlap with the "E-mail" screen without preview are not described here.

"E-mail Details" Screen

Description of the items
Number Description
  • "Reply" Link:
    Replies to the recipients listed in "To:" field.
  • "Reply all" Link:
    Replies to all recipients listed in "To:" and "Cc:" address fields.
  • "Forward" Link:
    Forwards the e-mail to another recipient.
  • "Delete" Link:
    Deletes the e-mail.
  • "Printable version" Link:
    The print settings screen appears.
2 Options:
The following menus are displayed.
  • "Filter" Link:
    Sets the filter conditions for e-mails.
  • "View source" Link:
    Displays the e-mail header information and body information in a text file.
  • "Save as file" Link:
    You can export e-mails to text files.
  • "Character encoding" Link:
    Sets the character encoding of the received e-mail for subjects and bodies.
  • "View in text format" Link:
    This option is displayed only when an HTML e-mail is displayed.
    By clicking this, an HTML e-mail is displayed in text format.
  • "Forward by Messages" Link:
    This option is displayed only if the system administrator has allowed to use the Messages feature.
    Compose a new message using the subject, body, and attachments of the current e-mail.
    For e-mails in HTML format, text and attachments are copied. Attachments are copied to attachments in the body of the new message.
    For details on actions, refer to Sending messages.
  • "Delete attachments" Link:
    This option is displayed when any files are attached to an e-mail.
    Delete all files attached to the selected e-mail. You cannot select which files to delete.
    The following functions are disabled when attachments are deleted from an e-mail:
    • View E-mail Source
    • Change character encoding
    • Export to file (UNIX mbox format or eml format)
  • "(Browse/Add)" button:
    Displays information configured in the Personal Address Book.
    If matching e-mail address does not exist in Personal Address Book, the "Add address book entry" screen is displayed.
  • Address field:
    The number the details of the recipients are displayed. To display hidden recipients, click "(Show all recipients)".
    When you click "(Shorten)", only the first recipient of "To:" is displayed.
4 Attachment:
Downloads an attachment. You can also download multiple attachments at once.