Working with Full Text Search

This section describes how to use full text search.
Full text search enables you to search all data in Garoon at once, including posted comments and attached files in each application.
You can perform a search by specifying multiple keywords.
The maximum length of the keywords is 100 characters.

Searching from Headers

Type keywords in the search box in the header to search data in Garoon.
The data in the following applications can be searched:

  • Space
  • Messages
  • Bulletin Board
  • Cabinet
  • E-mail

In the "Search results" screen, the display order settings are saved.
For details on header full text search, refer to the explanation on the full text search.

Screenshot: The search part in the header is highlighted

a): Search Function in the Header

Searching from Applications

On each application, by entering keywords in the search box, you can search all data stored in each application.
When you search without entering any keywords, you can set detailed search conditions on the "Search Results" screen.
For a full text search for each application, refer to the following page
Space Search Specifications
Search Specifications for messages
Bulletin Board Search Specifications
Search Specifications for File management
Search Specifications for E-mails

Image of the search item in the header

a): Search Function on an Application