Search Specifications for messages

Describes the search specifications for messages.
The following messages cannot be searched.

  • Draft messages
  • Trash messages

Items That Can Be Searched in the System Administration Screen

The following items can be searched in the system administration screen by entering keywords in the search box

Search items Remarks

Items That Can Be Searched in the User Screen

The following items can be searched by entering keywords in the search box on the user screen

Search items Remarks
Attachment file name
Attachment contents For a searchable file format, refer to full text Search file.

Options Available for Search

On the "Search results" screen, you can search by using the following options

  • Keyword:
    Enter the keywords you want to search.
    For the specification on the search keywords, refer to Search keywords.
  • Sort by:
    Set the display order of search results.
    • Relevance:
      This item is displayed in order of relevance, based on the frequency of keywords and the spacing of keywords in the data.
    • Updated:
      Search results are displayed in the descending order of the updated date and time.
  • Search only files/Search message titles:
    Sets the items to be searched. "Search only files" and "Search message titles" cannot be used at the same time.
    • Search only files:
      Finds data that contains keywords in the attachment file name. You can filter by attachment type.
    • Search subjects:
      Searches data containing keywords in subject.
  • Search folders:
    Set the folder that you want to search in.
  • From:
    You can filter the search target using the message sender. In the "From" field, enter the display name of the user.
    You can also empty the "keywords" field and search only messages from the "from" field.
  • Period:
    Set the period to search.
    Specifying only a start date searches the data that have been updated in the period between the specified date and today.
    If only the end date is specified, the updated date is searched for data updated in the period from the earliest data to the specified date.