Show Application Menu

You can change the "Show application menu" settings.
If the system administrator does not allow you to change the settings, you cannot change these settings from the "Personal Settings". If the screen to change the settings is not displayed, please contact your system administrator.
For details on how to allow users to change the settings in the personal settings, refer to the Allowing Users to Change Application Menu in the Administrator Help.

Screenshot: The application menu is highlighted

a): Application menu
  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click Application menu type settings under "Screen".

  4. In the "Show application menu" field on the "Application menu type settings" screen, configure whether to show or hide the application menu. Screenshot: The "Application menu type settings" screen with the "Show" checkbox highlighted

    If you uncheck the "Show" checkbox, you can hide the application menu.
    Screenshot: An example of the screen that does not show the application menu

  5. Choose "Application menu type" option whether to display application icons or not. Screenshot: The "Application menu type settings" screen where the "(No icon) Display name" is selected for the "Application menu type" field.

    When you configure not to show icons of applications, only the application names are displayed in the Application menu.
    Screenshot: An example of the application menu screen that does not show the icons

  6. Confirm your settings and click Save.