Dropdown List Settings

On screens such as Message and Scheduler, you can set which items appear in the dropdown list that is used to select organizations and users.
For example, you can customize the dropdown list to include the organizations whose members you frequently send messages or to include the facility groups which contains the conference room you often use, so that you can quickly select organizations and facilities.

Screen capture: Showing a dropdown list

You can set the following items.

  • Frequently used organizations
    Select the organizations that contain the users you frequently select.
  • Frequently used facility groups
    Select the facility groups where the conference rooms or facilities you often use belong.
  • Recently selected items
    Specify how many organizations, users, facility groups, and facility histories you have recently selected are displayed.
  • My Group
    Set up the display position of My Group.

Setting "Frequently Used Organizations" and "Frequently Used Facility Groups"

You can preconfigure frequently used users and facilities to quickly select them from the dropdown list.
You can set the following items.

  • Frequently used organizations:
    Set organizations of users who are frequently set up as recipients and attendees.
  • Frequently used facility groups:
    Set facility groups of the facilities you frequently select.
  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click Dropdown list settings under "Screen".

  4. On the "Dropdown list settings" screen, click Often-used Organization or Often-used facility groups. Dropdown List Settings screen

  5. Select the organization or facility group you want to configure, and click Add. Image of the setting action link

  6. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Setting Up the Items to Show in Recently Selected Items

You can select organizations, users, or facilities from the selection history.
You can set the number of records to be displayed and delete the history in bulk.

  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click Dropdown list settings under "Screen".

  4. In the "Dropdown list settings" screen, click Recent items. Screenshot: 'Recent items' button is highlighted

  5. Set the "# per Page" field.

    Set how may organizations, users, facility groups, and facilities to display as recently selected items.

  6. Set the "Delete history" field.

    Delete all the selected history. Select the checkbox for which you want to delete the history. Deleted history cannot be restored.

  7. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Setting Up the Display Position of My Groups

Select which to display on the top My group or the frequently used organizations in the dropdown list.

  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. On the "Personal settings (common)" screen, click Dropdown list settings under "Screen".

  4. In the "Dropdown list settings" screen, click My group. Screenshot: 'My group' button is highlighted

  5. Set up the display position of My Group.

    • To display before the frequently used organizations Screen capture: Displaying My group before the frequently used organizations
    • To display after the frequently used organizations Screen capture: Displaying My group after the frequently used organizations

  6. Confirm your settings and click Save.