Changing Company Name, Postal Address, or Telephone Number

Article Number:05014

Make necessary changes to your company information in Store and Administration when your office location or the contact person changes.

Notes on Changing Company Information

You must change your company information yourself.
We do not accept any change requests via e-mail or telephone.

If you manage multiple domains using the same company code, the changes to your company information will be applied to all domains.

Changing the Information on Store

Contact and Billing Details Store manages the your company information under the following two fields.

Contact Details
Basic information.
Enter information such as company name, contact name, postal address, and phone number.
Billing Details
The address to send the billing information.
The e-mail address registered here is used to send a notification e-mail of the billing information.
This information can be the same as "Contact Details".

Screenshot: The "Company information" screen.  "Contact" and "Billing Information" are highlighted

Steps to Change

  1. Log in to Store.
    Logging In to Store

  2. Click Profile.
    Screenshot: "Profile" is highlighted

  3. Click Edit. Screenshot: "Edit" is highlighted

  4. Change data in "Contact Details".
    "*" indicates a required field.
    If you use as an individual user, select "Personal use".
    Screenshot: "Contact Details" is highlighted

  5. If you want to receive postal direct mails, select "Yes, I agree to receive such mail".
    Screenshot: The "Yes, I agree to receive such mail" checkbox is highlighted For the postal direct mail, refer to the following page.
    Postal Direct Mail

  6. Check the "Billing Details" settings.
    Select "Same as contact details" if you want to use the contact details for your billing details.
    Screenshot: The "Same as contact details" checkbox is highlighted

    If you want to use different information, clear the "Same as contact details" checkbox and enter the "Billing Details" information.
    You can add up to four e-mail addresses in the billing details.
    Screenshot: "E-mail" and "E-mail (Sub)" are highlighted

  7. Check the information you entered and click Save.

Changing the Information on Administration

  1. Log in to Administration.

  2. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  3. Click Users & System Administration.

  4. Click Payment Details.
    Screenshot: "Payment Details" is highlighted If the link is not displayed, refer to "Changing the information on Store".

  5. Click Edit in the "Profile" section.
    Screenshot: "Change" is highlighted

  6. Change the contact details.
    "*" indicates a required field.
    If you use as an individual user, select "Personal use".
    Screenshot: "Personal use" is highlighted

  7. If you want to receive postal direct mails, select "Yes, I agree to receive such mail".
    Screenshot: The "Yes, I agree to receive such mail" checkbox is highlighted For the postal direct mail, refer to the following page.
    Postal Direct Mail

  8. Click Save.