Viewing Billing History

Article Number:05041

This page describes how to view the billing history of charges and how to print invoices.

When the Billing History Is Updated

When the billing history is updated depends on your subscription plan.

  • For annual service: When the order is completed
  • For monthly service: 1st day of each month


  1. Log in to Store.
    Logging In to Store

  2. Click History.

  3. Click the billing number in the "Billing" section.
    Screenshot: The billing number is highlighted

  4. The billing details are displayed.

How to Print Invoices

When Your Payment Method is "Credit Card Payment"

Display the billing details, and click Print.

Screenshot: "Print" is highlighted


The texts on the invoice are subject to change.

Screenshot: A print version of the invoice sample is displayed

When Your Payment Method is "Money Forward Kessai"

Download a PDF from Money Forward Kessai and print it. For details, refer to the following page.
Money Forward Kessai: I Want to Check My Invoice