Payment with Registered Credit Card Fails

Article Number:05037

If you cannot use your credit card registered in Store for some reason (credit card expiration, for example), an error message stating that the transaction has failed will be displayed. Log in to Store and start the payment process.

Screenshot: An error message stating that the transaction has failed is displayed

Recipients of Error Notifications

If the payment by a credit card fails, an e-mail notification is delivered to the following addresses.

  • E-mail addresses of Store Administrators
  • E-mail address of the contact configured in "Billing Details" of Store

Paying Using a Valid Credit Card

Update the credit card information configured in Store.
The updated credit card information will be used for the payment in the following month and onwards.

  1. Log in to Store.
    Logging In to Store

  2. Click Services License.

  3. Click the billing number displayed at the top of the screen.
    Screenshot: The billing number is highlighted

  4. Click Retry Credit Card Payment.
    Screenshot: "Retry Credit Card Payment" is highlighted

  5. Enter your credit card information to be used for your payment, and click Pay Now.

Paying by Invoice

You can pay by invoice using Money Forward Kakebarai.
In Store, you go through an invoice creation process.

  1. Log in to Store.
    Logging In to Store

  2. Click Services License.

  3. Click the billing number displayed at the top of the screen.
    Screenshot: The billing number is highlighted

  4. Click Change Payment Method.
    Screenshot: "Change Payment Method" is highlighted

  5. Enter information that should appear on the invoice, such as "Company name" and "Contact".

  6. Select the scope to apply the payment method of your choice.
    Scope of Payment Method to Apply Screenshot: The options for the scope of payment method to apply are highlighted

  7. Click Save.
    The invoice will be delivered by e-mail to the specified recipients.
    Make sure you make a payment to the bank account specified on the invoice by the due date.

Scope of Payment Method to Apply

This section describes the scope of a payment method to apply when you want to pay by invoice because the credit card payment failed.

Change will take effect only for this billing
Switch to pay by invoice only for failed credit card payments.
Change the payment method for monthly service
Switch to pay by invoice for all subsequent payments starting next month, including the failed credit card payments.