If the "E-Mail Address Already Exists" Message Is Displayed

Article Number:05069

This page describes how to solve the issue when you receive the following error message and cannot add cybozu.com Store Administrators.
Screenshot: An error message is displayed

Example of an Error Message:

The e-mail address already exists.

Cause of the Displayed Error

cybozu.com Store manages cybozu.com based on each company's information.
If the e-mail address you are trying to add is linked to a different company information, you encounter this error.


Solutions differ depending on whether you want to continue using the trial or cybozu.com under contract linked to a different company information.

If You Want to Continue Using cybozu.com Linked to a Different Company Information

Access another company information which is different from the one you are currently using in cybozu.com Store, and delete the e-mail address shown in the error message.
Since e-mail addresses of other administrators still remain, they can continue using the cybozu.com and cybozu.com Store.

  1. Log in to cybozu.com Store using the e-mail address that displayed the error message.
    Logging In to cybozu.com Store

  2. Click Accounts.
    Screenshot: "Accounts" is highlighted

  3. Confirm that administrators other than the e-mail address in the error message are registered.
    Screenshot: The "Accounts" section is highlighted

    If you see only one e-mail address configured, add other users as cybozu.com Store Administrators.
    Adding cybozu.com Store Administrators

  4. Click Close Account on the right end of the e-mail address shown in the error message.
    You can click Close Account, although it appears to be greyed out. Screenshot: "Close Account" is highlighted

  5. Click Close This Account on the confirmation dialog box.
    Screenshot: A confirmation dialog box is displayed A screen showing that the process has been completed is displayed.

  6. To add an e-mail address, log in to cybozu.com Store using the company information to which you want to add an e-mail address.
    Adding cybozu.com Store Administrators

If You Do Not Need cybozu.com Linked to a Different Company Information

Terminate cybozu.com that uses the e-mail address shown in the error message, and leave cybozu.com Store.

  1. Log in to cybozu.com Store using the e-mail address that displayed the error message.
    Logging In to cybozu.com Store

  2. Terminate cybozu.com.
    If you have already terminated cybozu.com, skip this step.

  3. Delete cybozu.com Store Administrators other than the e-mail address shown in the error message.
    To Delete Accounts of Other Administrators

  4. Click Accounts.
    Screenshot: "Accounts" is highlighted

  5. Click Close Account on the right end of the e-mail address shown in the error message.
    You can click Close Account, although it appears to be greyed out. Screenshot: "Close Account" is highlighted Now you have left cybozu.com Store.

  6. To add an e-mail address, log in to cybozu.com Store using the company information to which you want to add an e-mail address.
    Adding cybozu.com Store Administrators