Personal Category Settings

This section describes how to set up a personal category.
Users cannot change the settings of a shared category.

Add a personal category.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Bookmarks.

  3. On the "Bookmarks" screen, select a parent category, and click Add category.

    Image of add category link surrounded by a red rectangle box

  4. On the "Add Category" screen, enter a title.

    This is a required field.
    Image of entering a subject

  5. Enter the category code in the Category Code field.

    You should set the category code.
    Unique code for identifying individual categories.
    Image of entering the category code

  6. Set the Notes field as necessary.

    Enter a description of the category.
    When set, notes are displayed on the screen of the personal category that you have set.
    Image of Memos

  7. Confirm your settings and click Add.

Change the personal category.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Bookmarks.

  3. On the "Bookmarks" screen, select the Personal category and click Details.

    Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  4. On the screen for category details, click Save.

    Image with the Edit action link

  5. On the "Change category Information" screen, you can change the fields as necessary.

  6. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Move the personal category to another category.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Bookmarks.

  3. On the "Bookmarks" screen, select the Personal category and click Details.

    Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  4. On the screen for category details, click "Move".

    Image of the link to move

  5. On the "Move category" screen, select the parent category where you want to move the "parent category after moving" field.

    Clicking "Move Up" moves the personal category up one level.
    Clicking on a category name moves you to the parent category of the category you clicked.
    You can search for categories to move categories into by entering keywords and clicking "Category search".
    Screen to move categories

  6. Confirm your settings and click "Move".

Reorder subcategories.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Bookmarks.

  3. On the "Bookmarks" screen, select the Personal category and click Details.

    Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  4. On the "Category details" screen, click Reorder subcategories.

    Image of reordering subcategories action link

  5. On the screen to reorder subcategories, reorder subcategories.

    Screen to reorder subcategories

  6. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Delete the personal category.
Subcategories, links, and separator lines in the deleted category are also deleted.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Bookmarks.

  3. On the "Bookmarks" screen, select the Personal category and click Details.

    Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  4. On the screen for category details, click Delete.

    Image of the action link to delete

  5. Click Yes on the page to delete categories.