Notes on Space Members

Features available for the space differ depending on whether you are joining as a user, as an organization, or as a role.

Example of member participation

a): Users who belong to the organization are set as members.

b): Users who belong to the role are set as members.

c): Users who are joining as users are set as members.

Members' Join Method and Possible Operations

In spaces, the following types of actions can be performed depending on how the users join the space.

Action Organization or role User
Join the space   Users can join the space as a member when all of the following conditions are met:
  • The target space is public.
  • The user who created the space or one of the space administrators allows members to join and leave the space.
Leave the space   Users can leave the space if the user who created the space or one of the space administrators allows members to join and leave the space.
Manage discussions
Actions for shared To-Dos

When Joining as Both Individual User and Organization/Role

Individual users can use the same features as users who belong to an organization or a role. Furthermore, the user can leave the space if members are allowed to join and leave the space.
Even if the user is removed from the organization or role, the user can still continue to use the same features.

For example, user A who belongs to the organization "Sales department" can do the following before transferring from the sales department and after the transfer.

  • Before moving:
    • Actions for discussions such as adding, editing, and moving
    • Actions for shared To-Dos such as adding, editing, and changing the status to completed or uncompleted
    • Leave the space
  • After moving:
    Same as before moving

When Joining as Organization/Role

Users joining a space only as members of an organization or a role can use the same features as users who join the space as individual users.
However, the following actions are not allowed:

  • Leave the space
    "Leave space" is not displayed on the screen of the space for the member.
  • Available actions for discussions and shared To-Dos once the member has been removed from the organization or role
    If the user is removed from the organization or role, the user is no longer a member of the space. Actions allowed to members are no longer available.
    However, if the space is public, the member who is assigned to a shared To-Do task can change the To-Do task status to completed or uncompleted.

For example, user A who belongs to the organization "Sales department" can do the following before transferring from the sales department and after the transfer.

  • Before moving:
    • Actions for discussions such as adding, editing, and moving
    • Actions for shared To-Dos such as adding, editing, and changing the status to completed or uncompleted
  • After moving:
    • Changing shared To-Do task status to completed or uncompleted