HTML Portlets

This portlet is created in HTML.
The following HTML portlets are displayed

  • HTML portlets created by system administrators
    The following portlets have been added in advance

    • kintone Updates Portlet
    • Mailwise Portlet

    If your system administrator creates an HTML portlet, refer to how to set up the HTML portlet in Administrator Help.

  • User-created HTML portlets
    The user-created HTML portlets are displayed only in the Portlet list on the left of "My Portal settings" screen in the personal settings.
    If you want to create an HTML portlet in your personal settings, refer to Setting up the HTML portlet in the user help.

Setting Options for Portlets

This HTML portlet has no portlet settings.

Kintone Updates Portlet

The Kintone updates portlet displays updates of Kintone.
This portlet is available only to users who are using Kintone.

You can classify the notifications as read and unread and display them accordingly.
You can also select filter conditions for notifications to change notifications to be displayed.

  • Conditions to filter notifications:
    • To me
    • Flagged
    • All
    • Notification filters which users created

Screenshot: Kintone notifications are displayed in a Kintone updates portal

Setting Options for Portlets

This portlet has no "portlet settings".

Mailwise Portlet

The Mailwise portlet displays the information of Mailwise.
This portlet is available only to users of the cloud edition of Mailwise.

The following information of each e-mail application are displayed:

  • The number of e-mails that have been assigned to you as a user or as a reviewer.

Mailwise Portlet

Setting Options for Portlets

This portlet has no "portlet settings".