Delete E-mails

This section describes how to delete e-mails.
If you are using the Trash feature, the deleted e-mail is moved to trash.
You can recover deleted e-mails from Trash if they are within retention period.
However, the e-mail is permanently deleted in the following cases.

  • If you delete e-mails in bulk by specifying a date
  • If you are not using the Trash feature
  • Retention period has elapsed
  • If you have deleted e-mails from the Trash folder

You can configure the Trash feature in the "Personal settings" screen.
For details, refer to Trash settings.

Deleting E-mails One by One

You can delete e-mails one by one.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click E-mail.

  3. On the "E-mail" screen, select a folder and delete the e-mail.

    Steps to delete e-mails vary by views you are using.

    • When preview is shown
    1. Select the e-mail you want to delete.
    2. Click "Delete". Screenshot: Link to delete is highlighted in the E-mail preview screen
    • When preview is hidden
    1. Click the subject of the e-mail you want to delete.
    2. On the "E-mail Details" screen, click Delete. Screenshot: Link to delete is highlighted in the E-mail screen without preview

  4. Click Yes on the screen for deleting all e-mails or on the screen for deleting e-mails.

Deleting Multiple E-mails in Bulk

You can select the e-mails you want to delete, and delete them all together.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click E-mail.

  3. On the "E-mail" screen, select a folder and delete the e-mail.

    Steps to delete e-mails vary by views you are using.

    • When preview is shown
    1. Select checkboxes for the e-mails you want to delete, and then click "Delete". Screenshot: Link to delete is highlighted in the E-mail preview screen
    • When preview is hidden
    1. Select checkboxes for the e-mails you want to delete, and then click Delete. Screenshot: Link to delete is highlighted in the E-mail screen without preview

  4. Click Yes on the Delete all e-mails screen.

Deleting All Data in a Folder

Delete all e-mails in each folder.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click E-mail.

  3. On the "E-mail" screen, select a folder and delete all data.

    Steps to delete all data vary by views you are using.

    • When preview is shown
    1. Click "Deleting all data in a folder" on the  "Options" icon. Screenshot: Link to delete all e-mails in the folder is highlighted in the e-mail preview screen
    • When preview is hidden
    1. Under "Options", click the item to delete all data in the folder. Screenshot: Link to delete all e-mails in the folder is highlighted in the e-mail screen without preview

  4. Click Yes on the screen to delete all data in the folder.

Deleting Deleted E-mail Account Data

You can delete the data of deleted e-mail accounts.
If your system administrator leaves e-mail data and have deleted only the e-mail account, a message indicating "the e-mail account has been deleted" is shown in the "E-mail" screen.

Image of a button to permanently delete accounts

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click E-mail.

  3. On the "E-mail" screen, select the e-mail account for which you want to delete data, and then click the item to permanently delete accounts.

  4. Click Yes on the "Delete account data" screen.

Deleting E-mails in Bulk by Specifying a Date

You can delete the following e-mails and drafts in bulk by specifying a particular date.

  • The e-mails you received or sent before the specified date
  • The drafts saved before the specified date
  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted on the top page of Garoon

  2. Click Personal Settings.

  3. Click Setting of each application.

  4. Click E-mail.

  5. Click the item to delete all e-mails.

  6. On the screen to delete all e-mails, set the required items and click Delete.

    • E-mail account:
      Specify the e-mail account for which you want to delete e-mails.
    • Date:
      Specify the base date to use for deletion.

  7. Click Yes on the confirmation screen of bulk deletion.