Scheduler Operations on Mobile View

This section describes the main operations for Scheduler on the mobile view.

Checking Your Availability to Add Appointments

In Garoon mobile, you can check your available hours in the week to add new appointments.
This section explains it using Garoon Mobile for iOS screen as an example.

  1. Tap Icon to check available hours.

  2. On the "Check availability" screen, tap any time slot with no appointment.

    The "New appointment" screen is displayed, with the date/time you tapped being populated.
    If you tap a different time slot on the "Check availability" screen, its date/time will be applied to the "New appointment" screen. Screenshot: A screen to check availability. One of the available time slots is highlighted

  3. On the "New appointment" screen, configure the required fields.

    • Start:
      Set the start date and time for the appointment.
    • End:
      Set the end date and time for the appointment.
    • Appointment Type
      Select the appointment type.
    • Title:
      Set the title of the appointment.
    • Notes:
      Enter notes for the appointment.
    • Public:
      Select whether to make the appointment public.

    To display all fields on Garoon Mobile for iOS

    Scroll down the "New appointment" screen, or drag the top of the "New appointment" screen upward to get a full-screen view. Screenshot: Dragging the top of the "New appointment" screen upward

    If you want to display the "Check availability" screen again, drag the top of the "New appointment" screen downward until it reaches half the screen height.

    To display all fields on Garoon Mobile for Android

    Tap Enter other items to display the "New appointment" screen. Screenshot: A screen with the start and end time/date for an appointment displayed. A link to enter other items is highlighted

    If you want to display the "Check availability" screen again, tap Collapse on the top right of the "New appointment" screen.

  4. Review the settings you have set and tap Add.

Adding Appointments

Add an appointment for the user, organization, or facility.
Depending on your system administrator's settings, you may not be able to add appointments for organizations.

  1. Tap the App menu icon. Screenshot: The Personal week screen with the App menu icon highlighted

  2. Tap "Scheduler".

  3. On the "Personal week" screen, tap the add icon. Screenshot: The "Personal week" screen with the Add icon highlighted

  4. On the "New appointment" screen, select the appointment type and then enter the date/time and the subject. Screenshot: The "New appointment" screen

  5. Tap "Attendees".

  6. On the "Attendees" screen, add users to set as attendees to the screen showing the candidates. Screenshot: The "Attendees" screen with fields to select a user highlighted

    a): Enter keywords in the search box, then tap Search to search users. When you type characters in the search box, a list of suggested attendees is displayed.
    b): From the dropdown list, select the group to which the target user or organization belongs.
    c): Tap the organization, select the organization of the target user, and then tap "Apply".

  7. Tap the Add for the users and organizations you want to set as attendees of an appointment, among users who are displayed in the candidate field. Screenshot: The "Attendees" screen with the Add icon highlighted

  8. In the field to show selected attendees, confirm that all the desired users are listed, and then tap "Apply". Screenshot: The "Attendees" screen with the Apply icon highlighted

    When you tap Remove for users, you can cancel the selection.
    To change the display order of users, tap the name of the user, and then tap the arrow to the right of the "Selected" field.

  9. On the "New appointment" screen, tap "Facilities".

  10. On the "Facilities" screen, use one of the following methods to display the facilities to the candidate screen. Screenshot: The "Facilities" screen with fields to select a facility are highlighted

    a): Enter keywords in the search box, then tap Search to search facilities. When you enter characters in the search box, a list of suggested facilities is displayed.
    b): From the dropdown list, select the facility group where the target facility belongs.
    c): Tap the organization, select the group of the target facility, and then tap "Apply".

  11. Among the facilities in the candidates, tap Add for the target facility. Screenshot: The "Facilities" screen with the Add icon highlighted

  12. In the field to show the selected facilities, confirm that all the facilities you want to use are displayed, and then tap "Apply". Screenshot: The "Facilities" screen with the Apply button highlighted

    When you tap Remove for facilities, you can cancel the selection.
    If you want to change the order of facilities, tap the facility name, and then tap the arrow to the right of the selected facilities field.

  13. On the "New appointment" screen, set the required items such as notes and attachments, and then tap "Add".

Searching the Appointments of Users and Facilities

You can search the appointments for multiple users and facilities.

  1. Tap the App menu icon. Screenshot: The Personal week screen with the App menu icon highlighted

  2. Tap "Scheduler".

  3. On the group day screen, search for users and facilities by tapping search and entering keywords in the search box. Screenshot: The "Group day" screen with the Search icon highlighted

    The OR search can be performed for multiple users and facilities using multiple keywords by separating each keyword with a space.

  4. Tap the target user or facility from the search results. Screenshot: The "Group day" screen with a user in the search result highlighted

    The selected users and facilities are displayed below the search box.
    You can search for other users and facilities by entering keywords in the search box.

  5. After you have selected all the users and facilities for which you want to view appointments, tap Search. Screenshot: The "Group day" screen with the Search icon highlighted

    Today's appointments for the selected users and facilities are displayed.

  6. Tap the calendar and select the date of the appointment you want to display. Screenshot: The "Group day" screen with the Calendar icon highlighted