
To Use Request Form Samples

You can download sample forms (in XML format) from the workflow sample form section on the product site.
For details on importing sample forms, refer to the instructions on how to import data from a XML file.

To Automatically Set Superior of the Applicant as Request Processor When Applying Requests

Set the superior to the initial value of the route in the request form. At the time of the request, the operator can automatically include the top of the applicant.
For details, refer to the following page:

To Receive E-mail Notifications When You Receive Requests That Require Your Actions

The following two settings can be used to receive notifications through e-mail.

  • System Mail Account
    Your system administrator configures this.
    This e-mail account is used as sender of e-mail notifications.
    For details, refer to Setting up system mail account.
  • E-mail address to receive notifications:
    Users set up this address in their personal settings.
    For details, refer to Setting up e-mail notifications.

To Assign a Specific Approval Route Automatically to Each Applicant

You cannot use one form to specify a different route for each applicant.
Create a separate request form for each approval route, and set the approval route.

To Allow Approvers to Update Request Content

If a system administrator grants editing privileges to approvers, they can add content or attach files when processing requests.
The editing privilege needs to be configured for an item in the request form on each route step of a request route.
For details on which items you can configure access permission and how to configure it, refer to Setting Access Permissions for Items.

To Update Request Content after Final Approval

Requests approved by the last approver cannot be changed.

To Allow Users Other Than Applicants or Processors to View Requests

When you configure settings to make request data public, users other than the applicants or processors can view the request.
For details, refer to Settings to Make Request Data Public.

To Categorize Requests by Adding Folders

You cannot add or categorize requests.

To Proceed Process for Unapproved Requests That Have Retired Users as Processors

You can use one of the following ways.

Users Change the Processors of the Request

If the system administrator has granted permission to change the route of the request form to any of the users, those users can change the processor of the request.
For details, refer to Changing Application Routes.

Proxy of the Retired User Processes the Request

The system administrator configures a proxy for the retired user, and then the proxy processes the request.
For details, refer to the following page:
Setting up Proxies
Proxy Processing of Requests

System Administrators or Operational Administrators Change the Processor of the Request
  1. You grant permission to change the route to the system administrator or the operational administrator.

  2. System administrators or operational administrators change the processor.

To Change Approval Routes Depending on Values Entered in Request Forms

If you set "route branching", you can change the approval route according to the value entered in the Request form.

  1. Set the following items in the request form

    • Item Name: Superior Approved
    • Type: Radio buttons
    • Radio item: Required/unnecessary

  2. Set the route branching for the fields that you set in step 1.

    In the above case, the approval route contains superior only if "required" is selected in the superior approval of the request form.
    For details on route branching, refer to Setting up route branching.

To Register Workflow Requests Automatically into Scheduler

If you configure "Auto add to Scheduler", the contents of the approved request data can be added to the Scheduler automatically.
For details, refer to Auto add to Scheduler.