Exporting Discussions to a Text File

You can export discussions to a text file.
The following items are exported files.

  • Title of the discussion
  • Created by
  • Folder name
  • Created
  • Updated date and time
  • Space name
  • Space members
  • Body
  • Attachment file name
    Attachment files themselves cannot be exported. Only the file names are exported.
  • Comment
    Older comments come to the top, which is the reverse order to the contents of the discussion screen.
  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Space.

  3. Click the name of the space.

  4. Select the discussion you want to export to a file.

  5. On the "Discussions" screen, click Save as file in Option.

    Screenshot: Link to Save as file is highlighted in the Discussion screen

  6. On the "Save as file" screen, set the field for character encoding.

    The following character codes can be selected.

    • Unicode (UTF-8)
    • Japanese (Shift-JIS)
    • ASCII
    • English (Latin1)
    • Simplified Chinese (GBK/GB2312)
    • Thai (TIS-620)

    If you select the "Do not show this screen again" checkbox, the discussion will be exported to a file without displaying the "Save as file" screen.

  7. Confirm your settings and click Export.

  8. Save the file with a function provided by your Web browser.