Default Values for Portals

Portal List

Adding Portals

Item Default value:
Portal Name (language) 日本語

Portal Details

Item Default value:
Making Portals Public Private
Layout No settings

User Rights for Portals

Item Default value
Security model REVOKE (All users have access except users on list)

User Rights for Portlets

Item Default value
Security model REVOKE (All users have access except users on list)

Permissions for Setting of Default Portal

Item Default value
Security model GRANT (Only users on list have access)

Permissions for My Portal

Item Default value
Security model REVOKE (All users have access except users on list)

Portlet Groups

Adding Portlet Groups

Item Default value:
Group name (language) 日本語

HTML Portlets

Adding HTML Portlets

Item Default value:
Portlet Name (language) 日本語
My Portal Allow access in my Portal: on
Portlet Details Text

PHP Portlets

Adding PHP Portlets

Item Default value:
Portlet Name (language) 日本語
My Portal Allow access in my Portal: on

Importing from Files

HTML Portlet Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)
Skip header row No
PHP Portlet Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)
Skip header row No

Exporting to Files

HTML Portlets
Item Default value:
HTML Portlets (All HTML portlets)
HTML Portlet Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)
Include header row No
Language in which the data is exported All: OFF
日本語: OFF
English: OFF
中文(简体): OFF
中文(繁體): OFF
Exporting PHP Portlets
Item Default value:
HTML Portlets (All HTML portlets)
Exporting PHP Portlet Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)
Include header row No
Language in which the data is exported All: OFF
日本語: OFF
English: OFF
中文(简体): OFF
中文(繁體): OFF