Default Authentication value

Login Authentication

Standard authentication
Item Default value:
Standard Authentication Active
Name Standard Authentication
Authentication Database 1 Standard database

1: When the "Use Multiple authentication databases" check box is selected, the default value for the availability of each authentication database is as follows:

  • Database set by system administrator: do not use
  • Standard database: Use
Adding a login authentication

The Login authentication format is environment variable authentication.

Item Default value:
Environment variable format Login name
Authentication Database Standard database

Session Authentication

Standard authentication
Item Default value:
Standard Authentication Enable
Name Standard Authentication
Authentication Database Standard database
Adding session authentication

The session authentication format is environment variable authentication.

Item Default value:
Environment variable format Login name
Authentication Database Standard database
Adding session authentication

The session authentication format is open integrated Authentication ver. 2.

Item Default value:
Mode Open Integrated Authentication ver.2
Cookie name CB_OPENAUTH
Active Time 6 hours
Authentication Database Standard database

Authentication Database

Adding authentication databases

The authentication database format is LDAP.

Item Default value:
Use of SSL Use SSL for communication with the server: off
port number 389
Use Anonymous Status: Active
Authentication type Flat password (simple authentication)
Connection Conditions 1 Setting connection conditions: Off

1: When the "Set Connection conditions" check box is selected, the default value is as follows:

  • Exclude prefix/suffix strings from the login name during authentication: off