Delete Favorites

Delete the pages that you have added to your favorites.
Deleting from favorites does not delete the page itself.

Deleting Favorites One by One

Delete a favorite by one.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Favorites.

  3. On the "Favorite" screen, click the title of the page you want to delete from your favorites.

  4. On the details screen of the page you want to delete from your favorites, click the icon and delete it from your favorites.

    Image of favorite icon in "Message Details" screen

    If deleted from Favorites, the favorite icon of the page is changed to .

Deleting Multiple Favorites Together

Select the favorites you want to delete, and delete them all together.

  1. Click the app icon in the header.

  2. Click Favorites.

  3. On the "Favorite" screen, select the checkboxes of the pages you want to delete from Favorites, and then click Delete.

    Image of selecting a page to delete from favorites

  4. Click Yes on the "Delete favorites" screen.