Default Values for Calendars

Calendar Settings

Immediately after the introduction of Garoon, a Japanese national holiday has been added to the standard calendar as an event.

Adding Events

Item Default value:
Date Monday, April 1, 20191
Event Type Holidays
1: Date is an example of accessing the System administration page on April 1, 2019.

Importing Events

Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)1
Skip header row No
1: In the earlier version of Garoon 5.15.0, the text is "Japanese (Shift-JIS)".

Exporting Events

Item Default value:
Period to export All periods
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)1
Include header row No
1: In the earlier version of Garoon 5.15.0, the text is "Japanese (Shift-JIS)".

Office Settings

Adding Offices

Item Default value:
Office name (language) 日本語
Working day Day: On
Month: On
Fire: On
Water: On
Thu: On
Gold: On
Sat: On
Working time 0:00 (12 a.m.) - 23:00 (11 p.m.)
Calendars Standard calendars
Apply Calendar workday: on

Import from CSV File

Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)1
Skip header row No
1: In the earlier version of Garoon 5.15.0, the text is "Japanese (Shift-JIS)".

Export to CSV File

Office Information
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)1
Include header row No
1: In the earlier version of Garoon 5.15.0, the text is "Japanese (Shift-JIS)".
Office Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Japanese (Shift-JIS)1
Include header row No
Language in which the data is exported All: On
日本語: OFF
English: OFF
中文(简体): OFF
中文(繁體): OFF
1: In the earlier version of Garoon 5.15.0, the text is "Japanese (Shift-JIS)".