Overview of kintone connector

The kintone connector for Scheduler is a feature that integrates Garoon Scheduler with kintone apps.
The following functions will be available:

  • Retrieve information from the kintone app when adding an appointment
    Image retrieving information from kintone apps
  • Add records to the kintone apps when adding or changing appointments in Garoon
    Image of adding records to kintone apps from Garoon
  • Show appointments associated with Garoon Scheduler on the kintone record details screen
    Image with Garoon appointments displayed in the kintone app
  • Add appointments to Garoon from the kintone record details screen
    Image of Garoon appointments added from the kintone app
    a): By clicking "New appointment", you can add appointments to Garoon Scheduler. For details, refer to Adding Appointments from kintone App Screens.


The kintone connector has the following limitations:

  • The kintone connector is not available for kintone Lite license. The kintone connector is available only for the trial users and the users who have the kintone Standard license.
  • Apps in the guest space cannot be connected.
  • The values of the following fields of the app cannot be retrieved:
    • Record number
    • Created by
    • Created on
    • Updated by
    • Updated
    • Lookup
    • Related Records
    • Category
    • Status
    • Field group
    • Tables and fields that include tables
  • The kintone app information is not displayed for all day appointments, repeating appointments, and temporary appointments. The kintone connector can be used only for regular appointments.
  • Only regular appointments can be added from the kintone record details screen.
  • When appointments are displayed on the kintone record details screen, the date and time of the appointment are displayed in the time zone set on the client computer.

Flow to Set up kintone Connector

Task to Be Performed in kintone Prepare to set up kintone connector.
  • Apply for kintone Standard license or its trial
    You must sign up for kintone Standard license or apply for the trial.
    For details, contact cybozu.com store or cybozu partners.
  • Prepare your app
    Prepare an app you use to work with Garoon.
    For details, refer to Creating and Deleting Apps.
Task to Be Performed in kintone Set up the "Garoon Scheduler Connector" plug-in.
Set up Garoon Scheduler Connector plug-in in the kintone app.
If you cannot set the plug-in in the app, check if the kintone system administrator installed Garoon Scheduler Connector plug-in available.
For details on plug-ins, refer to Setting Up Garoon Scheduler Connector in kintone help.
Task to Be Performed in Garoon Set up an appointment type if necessary.
Once an appointment type has been connected with kintone related item, the kintone app information can be displayed only when the appointment type for the connection has been selected.
Using different appointment types allows you to switch the information to be displayed, or to display or hide information.
For details, refer to Setting up Appointment Types.
Task to Be Performed in Garoon Set up kintone connector.
Connect the kintone app added in step 2 to Garoon Scheduler Connector plug-in.
For details, refer to Add Related Items.