Setting Up Shared Links

Describes how to set a shared link or a separator line for a shared category.

Adds a shared link to the shared category.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category and click "Add Shared Links". Adding a shared link image

  7. On the "Add shared Links" screen, enter a title.

    This is a required field.
    Image with the shared link title

  8. In the "URL" field, enter a URL.

    The URL is mandatory.
    The following characters can be used for the destination URL

    • a to z
    • A-Z
    • 0 to 9
    • Symbols:
      • % : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = - . _ ~
        URLS starting with "MMS://" cannot be used for shared links.
    Image of entering URL

  9. Set the Notes field as necessary.

    Enter a description of the shared link.
    The contents entered in the "Notes" field are displayed on the "Link details" screen.
    Image of entering memo

  10. Confirm your settings and click Add.

Change shared links.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category, and then click "Details" for the shared link you want to change. Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  7. On the "Shared Link Details" screen, click Edit. Image of an edit action link

  8. On the "Edit Shared link Information" screen, you can change the fields as necessary.

  9. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Move the shared link to another shared category.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category, and click "Details" on the shared links you want to move. Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  7. On the "Shared Link Details" screen, click "Move". Image of a move action link

  8. Select the shared category where you want to move it, and then click "Move".

    You can search for a shared category by entering keywords and clicking "Search category".
    When you click "Up one", you can move up one shared category.
    Clicking a shared category name moves it to the subcategory you clicked.
    Move Shared links screen

  9. Confirm your settings and click Move.

Adds a separator line to the shared category.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category and click "Add Shared Separator". Image of adding a divider

  7. Click Yes on the "Add shared separator" screen.

    The added separator lines are displayed at the bottom of the shared category.

Change the link of a shared category, or the order of the separator lines.
You can change the order of shared links or separator lines only in the same category.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared bookmarks" screen, select a shared category, and then click Details. Image of the details action link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  7. On the "Shared category Details" screen, click "Reorder Shared Links/separators". Image of reordering shared links and dividers

  8. On the "Reorder shared links/separators" screen, reorder shared links and separator lines. "Reorder Shared Links/dividers" screen

  9. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Delete shared links or separator lines in shared categories.

Delete Shared links.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category, and then click "Details" for the shared link you want to delete. Image of the 'Details' link which is surrounded by the red rectangle box

  7. On the "Shared Link Details" screen, click Delete. Image of the action link to be deleted

  8. Click Yes on the "delete shared Links" screen.

Select a shared link of a shared category, or a separator line, and delete it all together.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Bookmarks.

  5. Click Shared bookmarks.

  6. On the "Shared Links" screen, select a shared category.

  7. Select the checkbox for the shared link or separator line you want to delete, and then click Delete. Image with selecting the divider to be deleted

  8. Click Yes on the "delete shared links/separator lines" screen.