
This section describes the CSV file format for workflow data.


This section describes the CSV file format used to import categories.

CSV File Format
Parent category code, category code, category name, memo

Example Description:

Image showing an example of CSV file descriptions

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Parent Category Code 100 characters   For the category to be placed in the root, specify "ROOT_CATEGORY". If omitted, category is placed in the root.
Category Code 100 characters  
Category Names 100 characters  
Memo 65,535 characters   The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters. The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

Category Names

This section describes the CSV file format used to import category names for each language.

CSV File Format
Category code, language code, category name

Example Description:

Image showing an example of CSV file descriptions

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Category Code 100 characters  
Language code   Specify one of the following language codes.
  • ja
    Language code for Japanese.
  • en
    Language code for English.
  • zh
    Language code for Chinese (Simplified).
  • zh-tw
    Language code for Chinese (Traditional).
    This is used for Chinese characters displayed in Traditional Chinese.
Category names 100 characters   Specify category names for each language.

User Rights

This section describes the CSV file format used to import access permissions.
Access permissions are set for categories. For each category for which you want to set access permissions, describe the lines to set security model and the lines to set access permissions.

CSV File Format
  • Lines for setting the security model:
    Describe the security model for the category. The format is as follows.
    Category code,Items,Values
  • Lines for setting access permissions:
    Describe access permissions to be set in separate lines for each target. The format is as follows.
    Category code,Items,Values,Targets


Image showing an example of CSV file descriptions

a): 1st data
b): 2nd data
c): Lines for setting up the security model
d): Lines for setting access permissions
Items and Specifications for the Lines to Set the Security Model
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Category Code 100 characters  
Items   Specify "security_model".
Available Values   Specify one of the followings.
  • revoke
    Specify this if you want to select a target to be restricted.
  • grant
    Specify this if you want to select a target to be granted a permission.
For details on "revoke" and "grant", refer to the description regarding the security model.
Items and Specifications for Lines to Set User Rights
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Category Code 100 characters Specify the same category code as the one you specified in the line where you set the security model.
Items   This item specifies the type of target for which you want to set access permissions. The following types can be specified.
  • user
    Specify this if you set access permissions for users.
  • group
    Specify this if you set access permissions for organizations.
  • dynamic_role
    Specify this if you set access permissions for dynamic roles.
  • static_role
    Specify this if you set access permissions for a role.
Available Values     This item describes the actions allowed for "target". To allow browsing, specify the value as follows.
  • If you specified the security model "revoke" to select targets to be restricted:
    Specify "B" in "Values".
  • If you specified the security model "grant" to select targets to be allowed:
    Specify "B" in "Values".

To delete user rights settings, specify the value as follows.
  • If you specified the security model "revoke" to select targets to be restricted:
    Specify "B" in "Values".
  • If you specified the security model "grant" to select targets to be allowed:
    Leave the "Values" field empty.
Targets 100 characters Depending on the type you specified, describe a code. The following codes can be described.
  • Login name
    When you specify a "user" as "Items", describe the login name of that user.
  • Organization code
    When you specify a "group" as "Items", describe the organization code of that organization.
  • Role name
    If you specified "dynamic_role" or "static_role", describe the role name of that role.

Operational Administrative Privileges

This section describes the CSV file format used to import operational administrative privileges.
Grant operational administrative privileges for each category.

CSV File Format
Category code,Items,Targets

Example Description:

Screen capture: Example of CSV file description

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Category Code 100 characters
Items This item specifies the type of target for which you want to grant operational administrative privileges. The following types can be specified.
  • user
    Specify this if you grant operational administrative privileges to users.
  • group
    Specify this if you grant operational administrative privileges to organizations.
  • dynamic_role
    Specify this if you grant operational administrative privileges to dynamic roles.
  • role
    Specify this if you grant operational administrative privileges to static roles.
Targets 100 characters Depending on the type you specified, describe a code. The following codes can be described.
  • Login name
    When you specify a "user" as "Items", describe the login name of that user.
  • Organization code
    When you specify a "group" as "Items", describe the organization code of that organization.
  • Role name
    When you specify a "dynamic_role" or "dynamic_role" as "Items", describe the role name of that role.

Proxy Applicant

This section describes the CSV file format used to import proxy applicants.

CSV File Format
Login name, proxy applicant's login name

Example Description:

Image showing an example of CSV file descriptions

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Login name 100 characters Specify a login name that is registered in Garoon.
Proxy applicant's login name 100 characters Specify a login name that is registered in Garoon.

Proxy Approver

This section describes the CSV file format used to import proxy approvers.

CSV File Format
Login name, proxy approver's login name

Example Description:

Image showing an example of CSV file descriptions

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Login name 100 characters Specify a login name that is registered in Garoon.
Proxy approver's login name 100 characters Specify a login name that is registered in Garoon.

Request Data

This section describes the file format when request data is exported to a CSV file.
The request data can only be exported to a CSV file. It cannot be imported from a CSV file.
CSV file format varies depending on whether you export data manually or automatically.

Request Data Exported Manually

This section describes the format of the data output to a CSV file when the request data is exported manually.

CSV File Format
  • Request Form Information

    Number, applicant name, (applicant's login name,) request date and time, request form name, status, subject, item value 1, item value 2, ...


    Image of CSV file output example

  • Route Information

    Route step name, user name 1, result 1, comment 1, processed date and time 1, user name 2, result 2, comment 2, processed date and time 2, ...


    Image of CSV file output example

CSV File Items and Specifications
  • Request Form Information
Item Remarks
Number The request number is described.
Applicant Name The name of the applicant is described.
Applicant's Login Name The login name of the applicant is described.
Requested The date and time when the applicant submitted the request data.
Request Form Name This describes the name of the request form that is used.
Status The status of the request data is described.
Subject The subject entered by the applicant is described.
Item Value The details entered in the request item field by the applicant will be described.
  • Route Information
Item Remarks
Route Step Name The name of the route step is described.
User name The user name of the user who processed the request data is described.
Result The processing results are described.
Comment A comment entered by the processor is described.
Processed date and time Describes the date and time when the route step was processed.

Request Data Exported Automatically

This section describes the format of the data output to a CSV file when the request data is exported automatically.

CSV File Format
  • Request Form Information
    The "Start and End columns of fields" and "Route start column" are added to the format for manual export.

    Number, applicant name, (Applicant's login name,) request date and time, request form name, start and end columns of fields, route start column, subject, status, item name 1, item value 1, item name 2, item value 2,...


    Image of CSV file output example

  • Route Information

    Route 1: Route step name, Route 1: User Name 1, Route 1: Results, Route 1: Comment, Route 1: Process date, Route 2: Route step name,...


    Image of CSV file output example

CSV File Items and Specifications:
  • Request Form Information
Item Remarks
Number The request number is described.
Applicant Name The name of the applicant is described.
Requested The date and time when the applicant made the request are described.
Request Form Name This describes the name of the request form that is used.
Start and End columns of fields Export the start and end positions (columns) of the item information in the exported CSV file.
The column starts from 0.

An example of an item description with start column of 10 and end column of 67:
Route start column Export the start position (column) of each route information in the exported CSV file.
The column starts from 0.

An example of description of route start columns (Route 1 = column 68, Route 2 = column 73, Route 3 = column 78):
Subject The subject entered by the applicant is described.
Status The status of the request data is described.
Item name The name of the request item is described.
Item Value The details entered in the request item field by the applicant will be described.
  • Route Information
Item Remarks
Route Step Name The name of the route step is described.
User name The user name of the user who processed the request data is described.
Result The processing results are described.
Comment A comment entered by the processor is described.
Processed date and time Describes the date and time when the route step was processed.