
This section describes the CSV file format used to import data related to e-mails.

Mail Servers

This section describes the CSV file format used to import mail server settings.

CSV File Format
Mail server code, mail server name, outgoing mail server name (SMTP), outgoing mail server port number, encryption method, SMTP authentication method, setting up an account and password for sending mails, send after receiving (POP before SMTP), waiting time before sending, send time-out period, protocol for incoming e-mails, incoming mail server name, incoming mail server port number, using TLS (incoming mail server), incoming authentication method, receive time-out period

Example Description:

Example of a CSV file for e-mail server settings

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Mail server code 100 characters  
Mail server name 100 characters  
Outgoing mail server name (SMTP) 100 characters  
Outgoing port number 100 characters   Specify this with a single-byte number.
If omitted, "25" is imported.
Encryption method     Specify one of the following values:
  • NONE
    This can be specified if you do not want to use the encryption method.
  • SSL
    Specify this if you want to use TLS.
  • TLS
    Specify this if you want to use STARTTLS.
If omitted, "NONE" is imported.
SMTP authentication method     Specify one of the following values:
  • NONE
    Specify this if you do not want to use SMTP authentication.
    Specify this if you want to use PLAIN.
    Specify this if you want to use LOGIN.
  • CRAM-MD5
    Specify this if you want to use CRAM-MD5.
    Specify this if you want to use DIGEST-MD5.
    Specify this if you want to use OAuth.
If omitted, "NONE" is imported.
Setting up an account and password for sending e-mails     Specify one of the following values:
  • 0
    Specify this if you do not want to set up an account and password for sending e-mails.
  • 1
    Specify this if you want to set up an account and password for sending e-mails.
If omitted, "0" is imported.
Authenticate before sending e-mail (POP before SMTP)     Specify one of the following values:
  • 0
    Specify this if you do not want to send e-mails after receiving them.
  • 1
    Specify this if you want to send e-mails after receiving them.
If omitted, "0" is imported.
Wait time before sending     Specify the value in seconds. You can set the value from 0 seconds to 10 seconds. This can be specified in increments of 1 second.
"0" (Prohibited) is applied if the parameter is omitted.
Send time-out period     Specify the value in seconds. You can set the value from 10 seconds to 120 seconds. This can be specified in increments of 10 seconds.
If omitted, "60" is imported.
Protocol for incoming e-mails     Specify one of the following values:
  • POP3
    Specify this if you want to use POP3.
  • IMAP4
    Specify this if you want to use IMAP4.
If omitted, "POP3" is imported.
Incoming mail server 100 characters  
Incoming port number 100 characters   Specify this with a single-byte number.
If omitted, "110" is imported.
Using TLS (Incoming e-mail server)     Specify one of the following values:
  • 0
    Specify this if you do not want to use TLS.
  • 1
    Specify this if you want to use TLS.
If omitted, "0" is imported.
Incoming authentication method     Specify one of the following values:
  • USER
    Specify this for the authentication using user name and password.
  • APOP
    Specify this if you want to configure APOP authentication.
    Specify this if you want to use OAuth.
If omitted, "USER" is imported.
Receive time-out period     Specify the value in seconds. You can set the value from 10 seconds to 120 seconds. This can be specified in increments of 10 seconds.
If omitted, "60" is imported.

User Accounts

This section describes the CSV file format used to import e-mail accounts.
If login names and account codes specified in the CSV file match the login names and account codes of users who have been registered to Garoon, you can overwrite the data in Garoon using the CSV file.
Importing a CSV file without existing user account information does not delete existing user accounts from Garoon.

CSV File Format
login name, account code, account name, e-mail server code, E-Mail, From name, incoming e-mail account name, incoming e-mail password, e-mails on incoming mail server, outgoing e-mail account name, outgoing e-mail password, inactive

Example Description:

Example of a CSV file for e-mail accounts

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Login Name1 100 characters  
Account code1 100 characters  
Account Name1 100 characters   If omitted, "E-mail" is imported as the account name.
Mail server code1 100 characters  
E-mail1 100 characters  
From1 100 characters    
Incoming e-mail account name1 100 characters  
Incoming e-mail password 64 characters    
E-mail on incoming mail server1     Specify one of the following values:
    Specify this if you want to leave e-mails in the mail server.
    Specify this if you do not want to leave e-mails in the mail server.
If omitted, "DELETE" is imported.
Outgoing e-mail account name1 100 characters    
Outgoing e-mail password 64 characters    
Deactivate1     Specify one of the following values:
  • 0
    Specify this if you do not want to deactivate users.
  • 1
    Specify this if you want to deactivate users.
If omitted, "0" is imported.
1: You cannot specify an asterisk (*).

E-mail Quotas

This section describes the CSV file format used to import e-mail size limits.

CSV File Format
Login name, total size (MB), incoming e-mail size (KB), outgoing e-mail size (KB)

Example Description:

Example of a CSV file specifying e-mail size limits

CSV File Items and Specifications
Item Number of characters Required item Remarks
Login name 100 characters  
Total size (MB)     Specify one of the following values:
  • Blank, or "*"
    Specify this if you want to omit the total size.
  • -1
    Specify this if you do not want to limit the total size.
  • Integer up to 999999
    Specify the value if you want to set the total size.
    Integer value must be up to 999999, and the unit is MB (Mega Byte).
Incoming e-mail size (KB)     Specify one of the following values:
  • Blank, or "*"
    Specify this if you want to omit the incoming e-mail size.
  • -1
    Specify this if you do not want to limit the incoming e-mail size.
  • Numeric value from 256 to 102400
    Specify this if you want to set the incoming e-mail size.
    The unit for this numeric value (from 256 to 102400) is KB.
Outgoing e-mail size (KB)     Specify one of the following values:
  • Blank, or "*"
    Specify this if you want to omit the outgoing e-mail size.
  • -1
    Specify this if you do not want to limit the outgoing e-mail size.
  • Numeric value from 256 to 30720
    Specify this if you want to set the outgoing e-mail size.
    The unit for this numeric value (from 256 to 30720) is KB.