Item Types

This section describes the types of items that can be set for a request form.
Setting items differ depending on the input type.

String (One Line)

String (one line) is an entry for text in one line. You cannot enter line breaks in it.

Image of String (one line) item

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting String (one line) item

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Input width Enter the number of characters in single-byte.
The number in this field indicates the approximate number of characters. The maximum number of characters can be entered in one line varies depending on the Web browser and characters you enter.
Maximum number of characters Enter the maximum number of characters that can be entered. There is no distinction between double-byte characters and single-byte characters.
Limits You can limit the characters to be entered in double-byte or single-byte only.
Default value: Set the default value to one of the following
  • Direct input:
    Enter characters.
  • User information:
    Select from the following:
    • User:ID
      A user ID for Garoon. For details, refer to Checking User ID.
    • User:Name
    • User:Login name
    • User:Pronunciation
    • User:E-Mail
    • User:Contact
    • User:URL
    • User:Notes
    • User:Position
    • User:(Item name of a custom item)
      Only displayed when the custom items are configured.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required fields: Set whether or not to be a required item.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.

String (Multiple Lines)

String (multiple lines) is an entry for a long sentence in multiple lines. You can enter line breaks in it.

Image of String (multiple lines) item

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting a String (multiple lines) item

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Size Specify the number of digits (width) and rows (height) of the input field.
The number of characters per line and the number of lines per field are approximate values. The maximum number of characters can be entered in one line and the maximum number of lines per filed vary depending on the Web browser and the character you are using.
Default value: You can preset a text to be displayed.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.


Menus are items displayed in a dropdown list.

Image of menu items

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting menu items

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Menu item For a menu item, you can set one of the following:
  • Direct input:
    Enter one item per line. You can set the default value.
  • Organization:
    When the request data is created, the organization belongs to the user information. You cannot set a default value for this field.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.

Radio Button

Radio buttons are items that display strings as choices in radio button format.

Image of settings radio buttons

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of settings radio buttons

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Radio item Enter one item per line.
Default value: You can set a pre-selected menu.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.


Checkboxes are items that display item names to set as selections in checkbox format.

Image of checkbox items

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting checkbox items

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Default value: When you select "Default value", the checkbox on the user screen appears selected.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.


Numbers are items to enter numbers.

Image of numeric fields

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting numeric fields

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Limitation on input If you set limitations to inputs, select "Limited" and set the maximum value and the minimum value.
Default value: You can preset a number to be displayed.
Number of decimal places You can specify decimal digits allowed from 0 to 10 digits.
The way to show negative numbers Select the way to show negative numbers from the following:
  • -1234
  • ▲1234
  • △1234
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Format You can select the following display methods:
  • Right-aligned
  • Use thousands separator
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.

Auto Calculation

An automatic calculation is an item that displays the results of calculating the value of another item. For example, you can display calculation results such as "unit Price x Quantity".

Image of an auto-calculated item

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of auto calculation settings

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Number of decimal places You can specify decimal digits allowed from 0 to 10 digits.
The way to show negative numbers Select the way to show negative numbers from the following:
  • -1234
  • ▲1234
  • △1234
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Calculation details This item can be calculated for the "number", "Automatic Calculation", and "route navigation linkage" fields that are set before this field.
  • Arithmetic operations
    Select an item or a constant and a arithmetic symbol to set the calculation. If you have selected a constant, enter a number in the field.
  • Total:
    Calculates the sum of the selected items.
Format You can select the following display methods:
  • Right-aligned
  • Use thousands separator
  • Hide calculation results on a request form
    If you do not want to display the calculation results, you do not need to set "position to the right".
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.


Dates are items to specify dates in date calendars.

Image of date items

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of setting date items

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Date format Select one of the following methods
  • Date only
  • Date and time
Default value: Set one of the following as a default value:
  • Enter the current date (date and time)
    The date and time when the request data was created are set.
  • Date and time:
    You can select a date using the calendar picker if it is January 3, 1970, or later.
  • Do not set:
    Blank field is displayed.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.


Attachment is an item for attaching a file to the request data.

Image of an attachment item

The setting fields are as follows:

Image of an attachment item

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Maximum number of files Set the maximum number of files that can be attached. You can set up to 5.
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Format If you select the checkbox to show image with body, images are displayed with the body.
The images are scaled down to the specified size (in pixels).
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.

Route Navigation

Route navigation connector is an item to import routes and fares from the route search results of the route navigation Connector service.
This service is available only in Japanese. The routes are displayed in Japan.
To use the route navigation connector, you must enable Cybozu Online Service.

Image of lines

The settings are as follows

Image of lines

Item Description
Item name Enter an item name.
Item code Enter the item code.
An item code is a unique code to identify items for JavaScript customization. If you do not use JavaScript customization, you do not need to set item codes.
You can enter codes in up to 100 characters. If 101 or more characters are entered, the first 100 characters are registered.
You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
Import information Select from the following fields to import from route search
  • Route/Fares
  • Route
  • Fare
Description Enter a description of the item. You can use Rich Text Formatting.
To display the description on a separate screen, select the "show description with icon" checkbox.
Image with the description icon
The description of the item placed to the right is not displayed on the screen.
Item conditions
  • Required Fields
    Set whether to be mandatory.
  • Set as exported items:
    If you chose to export the request data to a CSV file automatically, you can set whether to include this item in the exported item.
    For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.
Characters before or after the input field Added text can be displayed before or after the input field.
Enter a string to set the position to display.
Image placing text before the input field
To the right Determines whether to place the right side of the previous item.
Text entered in the "Separator" field is displayed between the previous item.