Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically

If you set the automatic export of request data, the request data got final approval is automatically exported to a CSV file.

This example assumes that Garoon is installed in the following environment:

  • Installation identifier: cbgrn
  • Web server CGI directory
    • On Windows: C:\Program Files\cybozu
    • On Linux: /usr/local/cybozu/
  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click "Workflow".

  5. In "General Settings", set the character encoding for automatic export.

  6. Click "Request Form" list.

  7. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category, and then click the request form name of the request form to set up automatic export of request data.

  8. Sets items to export to a CSV file.

    1. On the screen for request form details, click the item name of the item to export in the request form list.
    2. On the item details screen, click "Save". Image of an edit action link
    3. On the screen to change items, select the check box to set as exported items in the field for item conditions. Screen to change items
    4. Confirm your settings and click "Save".

  9. On the screen for request form details, click "Save" in the request form information.

    Image of an edit action link

  10. In the field to change request forms on the screen to export request data automatically, select the check boxes for exporting automatically, and set the following items:

    • Export the name of the applicant:
      Select whether to export the applicant's login name to the CSV file.
    • Include header row:
      Set whether to export the item names to the first row of the CSV file.
    • Directory name for exporting request data:
      You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, "-" (hyphen), and "_" (underscores) for directory names.
      For example, if the directory name is "auto_export", the CSV file will be stored as follows:
      • On Windows:
        C:\Program Files\cybozu\mysql-5.0\files\cbgrn\workflow\auto_export\
      • On Linux:
    Screen to change request form

  11. Confirm your settings and click "Save".