Logs of Application Routes

Action Level log
Adding route information Important [create] path_add (fid:**, pid:**, name:**, type:**, foreign_key:**, richeditor:**, description:**, icon:**)
Changing route information Important [modify] path_modify (pid:**, name:**, type:**, foreign_key:**, richeditor:**, description:**, icon:**)
Setting up shared routes Important [modify] path_select (fid:**, pid:**)
Shared private route Important [modify] path_publish (pid:**, type:**)
Properties Meaning Remarks
description Description  
fid Request form ID  
foreign_key Route code  
icon Explanation icon One of the following values is displayed:
  • icon
  • not_icon
name Route Name  
pid Route ID  
richeditor Description format One of the following values is displayed:
  • text
  • edit
type Route type