Notes on Creating a CSV File

An item for describing data in a CSV file is called a field.
To properly import a CSV file, you must be aware of the following points and describe the data correctly in the field.

Character Encoding

The following character codes are available.

  • Unicode (UTF-8)
    You can select with BOM as required.
  • Japanese (Shift-JIS)
  • English (Latin1)
  • Simplified Chinese (GBK/GB2312)
  • Thai (TIS-620)

Line Feed Code

If you want to separate records, use the following line feed codes to match the OS of the computer that will be used to import the CSV file.

  • Windows environment: CRLF
  • Linux Environment: LF

Notations for Special Characters

The fields containing any of the following characters must be enclosed with double quotation marks (").

  • Comma (,)
  • LF:
    The control code for line feed. Microsoft Also used as the newline code in cells in Microsoft Excel.
  • Double quotation mark (")

How to Describe Roles

To specify roles in items for configuring access permissions, specify "role" in the field.
You can specify the following roles.

  • Roles built into the system (Administrators, Everyone, and LoginUser)
  • Roles added by the administrator