Scheduler Commands

This section describes the scheduling commands.

Deleting Appointments in Bulk

Use the command line to delete all appointments that have been completed before the specified date in bulk.

Parameters Required item Description
exec   Deletes the data.
If omitted, the number of appointments to be deleted is displayed. Data are not deleted.
before The input type of this argument is a string (one line). Type YYYY-MM-DD.
Specify the date that the data to delete based on.
Deletes appointments with end dates earlier than the specified date.
max_count   The input type of this argument is an integer.
Specify the maximum number of appointments you want to delete.
To use this argument, you must use exec.
max_duration   The input type of this argument is an integer.
Specify the maximum amount of time to perform the deletion process in minutes. If the deletion process continues after the specified period of time, the process ends.
To use this argument, you must use exec.
  • Minimum value: 1
  • Maximum value: 2147483647
help   Displays help for this command.
Execution Example

Assuming the example setting below, the command usage is as follows:

  • Delete data before: May 30, 2011
  • The maximum duration of the deletion process: 3 hours (180 minutes)

On Windows:

.\grn.exe -C -q code\command\delete_schedules.csp exec before=2011-05-30 max_duration=180
On Linux:
./grn.cgi -C -q code/command/delete_schedules.csp exec before=2011-05-30 max_duration=180