Log Commands
You can use the command line to perform the following actions on logs:
- Deleting Logs in Bulk
- Exporting Log Data to CSV File
- Archiving Logs
Deleting Logs in Bulk
Deletes logs generated earlier than the specified date.
Parameters | Required item | Description |
exec | Deletes the data. If omitted, the number of logs to be deleted is displayed. Data are not deleted. |
before | The input type of this argument is a string (one line). Type YYYY-MM-DD. Specify the date that the data to delete based on. The log data that was generated earlier than the specified date will be deleted. If omitted, all logs will be deleted. |
max_duration | The input type of this argument is an integer. Specify the maximum amount of time to perform the deletion process in minutes. If the deletion process continues after the specified period of time, the process ends. To use this argument, you must use exec.
help | Displays help for this command. |
Execution Example
Assuming the example setting below, the command usage is as follows:
- Delete data before: 2011
- The maximum duration of the deletion process: 3 hours (180 minutes)
On Windows:
.\grn.exe -C -q code\command\delete_loggings.csp exec before=2011-05-30 max_duration=180
On Linux:
./grn.cgi -C -q code/command/delete_loggings.csp exec before=2011-05-30 max_duration=180
Exporting Log Data to CSV Files
Exports the log data to a CSV file.
Parameters | Required item | Description |
before | The input type of this argument is a string (one line). Type YYYY-MM-DD. Specify the date that the data to export CSV file based on. Exports logs generated earlier than the specified date to a CSV file. |
charset | Specify the character encoding of the CSV file to export. Youo can use the following character codes:
title | Specify one of the following values:
help | Displays help for this command. |
Execution Example
Assuming the example setting below, the command usage is as follows:
- Export data before: May 30, 2011
- Character encoding: UTF-8
- Header row: Exported item name
- Destination file name: Logdata.csv
On Windows:
.\grn.exe -C -q code\command\export_loggings.csp before=2011-05-30 charset=UTF-8 title=YES > logdata.csv
On Linux:
./grn.cgi -C -q code/command/export_loggings.csp before=2011-05-30 charset=UTF-8 title=YES > logdata.csv
Archiving Logs
Archive logs older than 91 days or more to a file. If the database does not have old logs, no archiving will be performed.
Parameters | Required item | Description |
max_week | The input type of this argument is an integer. Specify the time frame in week to archive logs from the oldest log. If omitted, three weeks are applied.
help | Displays help for this command. |
Execution Example
Assuming the example setting below, the command usage is as follows:
- Archived Time Frame: 10 weeks from oldest output date
On Windows:
.\grn.exe -C -q code\command\archive_log.csp max_week=10
On Linux:
./grn.cgi -C -q code/command/archive_log.csp max_week=10