Type of Address Book

Garoon has four address books.

  • My address groups
    This feature allows you to group addresses that you use frequently, from user list, Personal Address Book, and shared Address Book.
    The My address group is available only to users who have created it.
  • User List
    User information registered in Garoon.
    You cannot add, change, or delete data on the User list.
    You cannot hide the list of users.
  • Personal Address Book
    This is an address book that is used by users. Users can add, change, and delete any addresses in the Personal Address Book.
    The Personal Address Book cannot be shared with other users.
  • Shared Address Book
    Shared address books consist of "books" created by system administrators and application administrators.
    By summarizing the address data of business partners and affiliated companies and other users who can be shared within the company, you can prevent the creation of duplicate address data and easily search the target address data.
    Only system administrators and application administrators can add, edit, and delete books.
    Users can add address data to each book. Image in which the Shared Address Book is highlighted
Order of the Entries of User List and Address Book
  • Address Book:
    You cannot change the order of the address book entries.
    The address is sorted by the "Name (Pronunciation)".
    If "Name (Pronunciation)" has not been set, it is sorted by the "Display name".
  • User list:
    You cannot change the order of the user list entries.
    The user list entries are sorted by display order.
    If the display order is the same, it is sorted by the order in which users were registered.