Default Values for Scheduler

System Administration

General Settings

Item Default value:
Unit of time to make appointments (reservations) 30 minutes
Repeating appointment periods 1 year
Private appointments Allow: ON
Default value: Public
Visibility of private appointments Hiding Private Appointments Completely: OFF
Specify organizations/roles for the "Shared with" users Allow: ON
Notifications to the "Shared with" users Do not send notifications to the "Shared with" users: Off
Visibility of shared appointments Show in the Scheduler screen: ON
Auto-adding default "Shared with"
  • If you are using Garoon since before the November 2021 Update:
    Add default "Shared with" users automatically when adding an appointment: On
  • If you start using Garoon after the November 2021 Update:
    Add default "Shared with" users automatically when adding an appointment: Off
Visibility of appointment of organizations Show: OFF
Visibility of holidays Show: ON
Visibility of all facilities Show: ON
Visibility of facility names Show before/after the appointment title: OFF
Placement: After subjects
Drag and drop Allow: ON
Attaching Files Allow: ON
Use RSVP Allow: OFF
Default value for allowing the response request feature Request RSVP: OFF

Setting Appointment Types

New deployment of Garoon has pre-configured appointment types. You can use them when required.

Item Default value:
Color  (colorless)

Appointment Type Links

Adding Appointment Type Links

Item Default value:
Appointment type name (Unspecified)
Portlet (Use sample)

Facilities/Facility Groups

New deployment of Garoon has pre-configured facilities. You can use them when required.

Adding Facilities

Item Default value:
Facility name (language) 日本語
V-CUBE Meeting1 Enable: OFF

1: It is shown when the V-CUBE Meeting Support is configured.

Adding Facility Groups

Item Default value:
Facility group name (language) 日本語

Facility Reservation Settings

Item Default value:
Inherit settings Inherit parent facility group settings: ON
Maximum reservation period1 Unlimited
Maximum duration per reservation1 Unlimited
Users allowed to edit reservations1 Users with appropriate access rights
Show notes in appointment lists1 Show: OFF
Repeating appointments1 Allow: ON
Facility usage request1 Enable: OFF
1: Enabled when the option to inherit parent facility group settings is turned off in the "Inherit settings".

Items for Facility Reservation Information

Details of Built-in Items

Reservation Details
Item Default value:
Item name Reservation details
Item code title_purpose
Type String (one line)
Use Enable: ON
List view Show by default: ON
Item names in list field Show by default: OFF
Created by
Item Default value:
Item name Created by
Item code title_name
Type String (one line)
Use Enable: ON
List view Show by default: OFF
Item names in list field Show by default: OFF

Adding Custom Items

Item Default value:
Type String (one line)
Use Status: Active
List view Show by default: OFF
Item names in list field Show by default: OFF

User Rights Settings

Item Default value
Security model REVOKE (All users have access except users on list)

Deleting All Schedules

Item Default value:
Delete entries older than this date Appointments older than one year from today

Import from CSV File

Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Skip header row No

Export to CSV File

Item Default value:
Period to export appointments First to last day of the current month
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Export registrants No
Facility Information
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Facility Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Language in which the data is exported All: OFF
日本語: OFF
English: OFF
中文(简体): OFF
中文(繁體): OFF
Facility Group Information
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Facility Group Name
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Language in which the data is exported All: OFF
日本語: OFF
English: OFF
中文(简体): OFF
中文(繁體): OFF
Operational Administrative Privileges for Facility Groups
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
User Rights
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No
Default "Shared with"
Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Include header row No

Setting up V-CUBE Meeting

Item Default value:
V-CUBE Meeting Enable: OFF
V-CUBE Meeting version V-CUBE Meeting 5
Show Invitation URLs Show on the details screen: OFF
E-mail notifications for invitation URLs Send e-mail notifications: OFF
Number of external invitee fields 0
Login Settings
Item Default value:
V-CUBE Meeting URL

JavaScript and CSS Customization

Adding Customization Group

Item Default value
Customization Applied
Applied to Login user

kintone Connector

Adding Related Item

Item Default value:
Item name (language) 日本語
Related appointment type Use in all appointments: ON

Personal Settings

Display Settings

Item Default value:
Time period to show 8:00 - 19:00
First day of week Set the first day of week to Monday: OFF
Appointment end time Show appointment end time on group week view and month view: ON
Drag and drop Enable drag and drop to move appointments: ON

Changing Default Group

Item Default value:
Default group (Not yet assigned)

Forwarding E-mail Notifications for Appointments

Item Default value:
Forwarding appointment notifications E-mail forward schedule notifications: OFF
E-mail address to receive notifications E-Mail addresses in user profile 1
1: It is displayed when any e-mail addresses are registered in the user information.

Importing Appointment Data

Item Default value
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Skip header row No

Exporting Appointment Data

Item Default value:
Period to export First to last day of the current month
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Skip header row No

Scheduler Statistics

Item Default value:
Date First to last day of the current month
Working hours Hours set in the "Time period to show" in "Display settings"
Character encoding Shift-JIS (Japanese)
Handling of weekends and holidays Include holiday appointments: OFF
Include Saturday appointments: OFF
Include Sunday appointments: OFF

Exporting Data to iCalendar Files

Item Default value:
Period to export First to last day of the current month