Deleting logs

Delete logs that are saved in the database and log archives.
Logs saved in system logs cannot be deleted.

Deleting Selected Logs

Individually delete logs that were output within the past three months.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Logging".

  5. Click "Log List".

  6. On the "Log List" screen, select the check boxes of the logs you want to delete, and then click "Delete".

    You can filter the logs for deletion by category and type.
    Image selecting logs to be deleted

  7. Click "Yes" on the "delete log" screen.

Deleting Logs by Specifying the Category and Period

Delete all logs saved in the selected category before the specified date.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Logging".

  5. Click "Log List".

  6. On the "Log List" screen, click "Delete".

    Image of the action link to delete items in specified period

  7. On the "log period specified deletion" screen, specify the log category and the period of time you want to delete, and then click "Delete".

    Logs that were output before the specified date are deleted.
    Image of the screen to delete logs by specifying the period

  8. Click "Yes" on the "delete log period specified" screen.

Deleting Archived Logs

Delete each archived log file individually.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Logging".

  5. Click "Log List".

  6. On the "Log List" screen, click "Show Archives".

    Image of the action link that displays a list of archives

  7. On the "Log Archive List" screen, select the check boxes of the archives you want to delete, and then click "Delete".

    You can search for an archive by the year the logs were output.
    Image selecting archives to delete

  8. Click "Yes" on the "Delete archive" screen.