Adding Report Forms

Add report forms to categories.
You can set report form names and whether to allow users to add comments to the reports.
You cannot add report forms to "(Root)".

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click MultiReport.

  5. Click Report forms.

  6. On the "Report forms" screen, select a category, and then click New to add a report form.

    If you do not have categories to add your reports, add categories. For details, refer to Setting Categories.
    Screenshot: Link to add report forms is highlighted on the Report forms screen

  7. On the screen to add report forms, set the required items.

  8. Confirm your settings and click Add.

Items to Set in Report Forms

Image of setting items in a report form

Item Description
Form name Enter a report form name.
Report Form Code Enter a report form code.
This is a unique code for identifying report forms.
Post comments Set whether to allow users to add comments in the report.
Input fields to use Select whether to use the following fields in the report form:
  • Participants:
    This is used to set up users who participated in the conference from Garoon users. Image of the participants field
  • Outside parties:
    This is used to set up customers who joined the conference from the addresses in shared Address Books. Image of the outside parties
Description Enter a description for the report form.
The information entered are displayed on the screen to create reports (select report forms) of users. Image of showing the description on the user screen