Bulletin Board Logs

System Administration

General Settings
Action Level Log
  • Default status of comment permission
  • Permission to use rich text formatting
  • Allow the use of anchor links in comments
  • Request acknowledgement status by default
  • Manually enter "From" name
Information [config] common (enable_follow:'**', enable_htmleditor:'**', enable_follow_link:'**', enable_acknowledgement:'**', enable_manually_enter_sender:'**', default_value_from:**, enable_confirm_authority_read_and_notification_users:'**')
Properties Meaning Remarks
default_value_from Default "From" name One of the following values is displayed:
  • 0 (User name)
  • 1 (Manually entered)
enable_acknowledgement Request acknowledgement status by default One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
Access permissions and notification recipients One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
enable_follow Default status of comment permission One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
enable_follow_link Allow the use of anchor links in comments One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
enable_htmleditor Permission to use rich text formatting One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
enable_manually_enter_sender Manually enter "From" name One of the following values is displayed:
  • TRUE (allow)
  • FALSE (do not allow)
Setting Categories
Action Level Log
Adding Categories Information [create] category (cid:**, name:**, foreign_key:**, parent:**)
Change categories Information [modify] category (cid:**, name:**, foreign_key:**)
Move categories Information [move] category (cid:**, parent:**, list_index:**)
Delete categories Information [delete] category (cid:**)
Import categories Information [import] category
[create] category (cid:**, foreign_key:**, name:**, parent:**)
[modify] category (cid:**, foreign_key:**, name:**)
Export categories Information [export] category
Add display name Information [create] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', category_name:'**')
Change display name Information [modify] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', prev_category_name:'**', next_category_name:'**')
Delete display name Information [delete] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', category_name:'**')
Import Display Name (added) Information [import] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', category_name:'**')
Import display name (changed) Information [import] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', prev_category_name:'**', next_category_name:'**')
Import Display Name (deleted) Information [import_delete] category_local (cid:**, language_code:'**', category_name:'**')
Export Display Name Information [export] category_local (cid:**, language_code: '**', category_name:'**')
Properties Meaning Remarks
cid Category ID  
foreign_key Category key  
language_code Language code Displays one of the following values:
  • ja (Japanese)
  • en (English)
  • zh (Simplified Chinese)
  • zh-tw (Traditional Chinese)
    This is used for Chinese characters displayed in Traditional Chinese.
list_index Order of categories in the same level  
name Category Names  
next_category_name Category name after the change  
parent Parent category ID  
prev_category_name Original category names  
User Rights Settings
Action Level Log
Change security model Information [modify] category (cid:**, security_model:**)
Add access permissions Information [create] access (cid:**, security_model:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**, auth:**)
Change access permissions Information [modify] access (cid:**, security_model:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**, auth:**)
Delete access permissions Information [delete] access (cid:**, security_model:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
Delete all access permissions Information [delete_all] access (cid:**, target:**)
Import from CSV File Information [create] access (cid:**, security_model:'**', uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**, auth:'**')
[modify] access (cid:**, security_model:'**', uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**, auth:'**')
[import] access
Export to CSV File Information [export] access
Properties Meaning Remarks
auth Permissions Displays one of the following values:
  • read
  • write
  • read/write
  • write/follow
  • read/write/follow
cid Category ID  
gid Organization ID  
rid Static Role ID  
security_model Security model One of the following values is displayed:
  • revoke
  • grant
target Target Object  
uid User ID  
Operational Administrators Settings
Action Level Log
Add operational administrative privileges Information [create] privilege (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
Delete operational administrative privileges Information [delete] privilege (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
Delete all operational administrative privileges Information [delete_all] privilege (cid:**, target:**)
Import from CSV File Information [create] privilege (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
[modify] privilege (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
[import] privilege
Export to CSV File Information [export] privilege
Properties Meaning Remarks
cid Category ID  
dynamic_role Dynamic Role Key Displays one of the following values:
  • Everyone
  • LoginUser
  • Administrators
gid Organization ID  
rid Static Role ID  
target Target Object  
uid User ID  
Notification Settings
Action Level Log
Forced notification settings Information [modify] category (cid:**, force_notify:**)
Add notification settings Information [create] notify (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
Delete notification settings Information [delete] notify (cid:**, uid/gid/rid/dynamic_role:**)
Delete all notifications Information [delete_all] notify (cid:**, target:**)
Properties Meaning Remarks
cid Category ID  
dynamic_role Dynamic Role Key Displays one of the following values:
  • Everyone
  • LoginUser
  • Administrators
force_notify Do not allow update notifications to be cleared One of the following values is displayed:
  • 1 (do not allow)
  • 0 (allow)
gid Organization ID  
rid Static Role ID  
target Target Object Displays one of the following values:
  • usergroup
  • role
  • dynamic_role
uid User ID  

User Actions

Action Level Log
Add a topic Information [create] article (aid:**, creator_name:'**', subject:'**', can_follow:**, start_timestamp:**, end_timestamp:**, enable_acknowledgement:**, maintainer_name_1:'**', maintainer_name_N:'**')
Change topics Information [modify] article (aid:**, creator_name:'**', subject:'**', can_follow:**, start_timestamp:**, end_timestamp:**, enable_acknowledgement:**, maintainer_name_1:'**', maintainer_name_N:'**', notify_check:'**')
Move topics Information [move] article (aid:**)
Delete topics Information [delete] article (aid:**, subject:'**')
View topics Information [browse] article (cid:**, aid:**, subject:'**', uid:**)
Save draft Information [create] draft (aid:**)
Change draft Information [modify] draft (aid:**) [modify] draft (aid:**)
Delete draft Information [delete] draft (aid:**)
Post comments Information [create] follow (aid:**, follow_id:**)
Delete comments Information [delete] follow (aid:**, follow_id:**)
Attach files to comments Information [create] file (aid:**, follow_id:**, fid:**)
Delete files in comments Information [delete] file (aid:**, follow_id:**, fid:**)
Preserve attachment Information [create] file (aid:**, fid:**)
Delete attachments Information [delete] file (aid:**, fid:**)
Download attachment Information [download] file (uid:**, fid:**, version:**, name:**)
Properties Meaning Remarks
aid Bulletin ID  
can_follow Allow comment writing One of the following values is displayed:
  • 1 (allow)
  • 0 (do not allow)
cid Category ID  
creator_name From  
enable_acknowledgement Request acknowledgement status by default One of the following values is displayed:
  • 1 (Confirm the status)
  • 0 (Do not request acknowledgment status by default)
end_timestamp End timestamp of the bulletin period  
maintainer_name_[integer starting from 1] User name that you want to allow to be changed or deleted  
name Attachment file name  
notify_check Status of the "Notify this update" option One of the following values is displayed:
  • ON (Notify the changes of topic contents)
  • OFF (Do not notify the changes of topic contents)
start_timestamp The start timestamp of the bulletin period  
subject Subject  
uid User ID  
version Version of attachment