Deleting Roles

You can delete roles.
If you delete a role, the permissions and operational administrative privileges set for the role are also deleted.
The Administrators role cannot be deleted.

Deleting Roles One by One

You can delete roles one by one.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click Users.

  5. Click "Role settings".

  6. On the "Role Settings" screen, select the roles you want to delete, and then click "Details".

    Image showing the selection of roles to delete

  7. On the role details screen, click "Delete".

    Image of the delete action link

  8. Click "Yes" on the screen to delete roles.

Deleting All Roles

You can delete all roles.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click Users.

  5. Click "Role settings".

  6. On the "Role Settings" screen, click "Delete all Roles".

    Image showing the action link to delete all roles

  7. Click "Yes" on the screen to delete all roles.