Logs of Report Form Items

Action Level log
Adding a string (one line) item Important [create] form_layout_string_single_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, size:**, max_input_size:**, input_chars:**, initial_type:**, initial_text_value:**, initial_user_value:**, required:**)
Changing a string (one line) item Important [modify] form_layout_string_single_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, size:**, max_input_size:**, input_chars:**, initial_type:**, initial_text_value:**, initial_user_value:**, required:**)
Adding a String (multiline) item Important [create] form_layout_string_multiple_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, col_size:**, row_size:**, initial_value:**, required:**)
Changing text (Multiline) fields Important [modify] form_layout_string_multiple_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, col_size:**, row_size:**, initial_value:**, required:**)
Adding a menu item Important [create] form_layout_menu_string_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, menu_items:'**', initial_value:**, menu_item_type:**, required:**)
Changing a menu item Important [modify] form_layout_menu_string_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, menu_items:'**', initial_value:**, menu_item_type:**, required:**)
Adding radio button fields Important [create] form_layout_radio_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, radio_items:'**', initial_value:**, required:**)
Changing radio button fields Important [modify] form_layout_radio_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, radio_items:'**', initial_value:**, required:**)
Adding check box fields Important [create] form_layout_checkbox_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, initial_value:**)
Changing check box fields Important [modify] form_layout_checkbox_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, initial_value:**)
Adding numeric fields Important [create] form_layout_numeric_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, input_numbers:**, initial_value:**, effective_figures:**, minus_type:**, right_align:**, split_rank:**, max_input_number:**, min_input_number:**, required:**)
Changing numeric fields Important [modify] form_layout_numeric_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, input_numbers:**, initial_value:**, effective_figures:**, minus_type:**, right_align:**, split_rank:**, max_input_number:**, min_input_number:**, required:**)
Adding a Date field Important [create] form_layout_date_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, initial_type:**, initial_year:**, initial_month:**, initial_day:**, required:**)
Changing date fields Important [modify] form_layout_date_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, initial_type:**, initial_year:**, initial_month:**, initial_day:**, required:**)
Adding Time fields Important [create] form_layout_time_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, unit:**, initial_type:**, initial_hour:**, initial_minute:**, required:**)
Changing Time fields Important [modify] form_layout_time_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, initial_type:**, initial_hour:**, initial_minute:**, required:**)
Adding a file attachment Important [create] form_layout_file_add (fid:**, iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, max_files:**, inline:**, thumbnail:**, thumbnail_xsize:**, thumbnail_ysize:**, required:**)
Changing file attachments Important [modify] form_layout_file_modify (iid:**, data_type:**, display_name:**, option_string_type:**, option_string:**, description_editor:**, description:**, description_type:**, max_files:**, inline:**, thumbnail:**, thumbnail_xsize:**, thumbnail_ysize:**, required:**)
Adding Empty Lines Important [create] formlayout_blank_add (fid:**, iid:**)
Delete Item Important [delete] form_layout_delete (iid:**)
Deleting items in bulk Important [delete] form_layout_delete_multi (iids_1:**)
Delete all items Important [delete] form_layout_delete_all (fid:**)
Copying Items Important [create] form_layout_copy (fid:**, iids_1:**)
Reorder Items Important [modify] formlayout_order (fid:**, iids_1:**)
Properties Meaning Remarks
authority Permissions One of the following values is displayed:
  • on
  • off
cid Category ID  
col_size Digits  
data_type FOREIGN key  
description Description  
description_editor Description format One of the following values is displayed:
  • text
  • edit
description_type Explanation icon One of the following values is displayed:
  • icon
  • not_icon
display_name Item name  
drids_[integer starting from 1] Dynamic Role ID  
effective_figures Decimal places  
fid Report Form ID  
gids_[integer starting from 1] Group ID  
iid Item ID  
iids_[integer starting from 1] Item ID  
initial_day Day  
initial_hour When  
initial_minute Minutes  
initial_month Month  
initial_text_value Default value for direct input  
initial_type Initial value of "string (one line)" Field One of the following values is displayed:
  • manual_input
  • user_info
initial_type Default value of "Date" field Displays one of the following values:
  • now_date
  • specific_date
  • blank_date
initial_type The default value of the Time field Displays one of the following values:
  • now_time
  • specific_time
  • blank_time
initial_user_value User profile  
initial_value Default value:  
initial_value Default checkboxes One of the following values is displayed:
  • checked
  • not_checked
initial_year Years  
inline View Files One of the following values is displayed:
  • inline
  • not_inline
input_chars Limits Displays one of the following values:
  • full
  • half
  • no_limit
input_numbers Limitation on input One of the following values is displayed:
  • limit
  • no_limit
max_files Maximum number of files  
max_input_number Maximum Value  
max_input_size Maximum number of characters  
menu_item_type Type of menu item One of the following values is displayed:
  • 0
  • 1
menu_items Contents of Menu  
min_input_number Minimum value  
minus_type The way to show negative numbers  
option_string Text to be placed before or after  
option_string_type Character placement before or after  
radio_items Contents of Radio Items  
required Required input One of the following values is displayed:
  • required
  • not_required
right_align Justified One of the following values is displayed:
  • right_align
  • not_right_align
row_size Row  
security_model Security model One of the following values is displayed:
  • grant
  • revoke
size Input width  
split_rank Thousands-delimited view One of the following values is displayed:
  • split_rank
  • not_split_rank
srids_[integer starting from 1] Static Role ID  
thumbnail Thumbnail images One of the following values is displayed:
  • thumbnail
  • not_thumbnail
thumbnail_xsize Width  
uids_[integer starting from 1] User ID  
unit Unit of time