Logs of Report Form Information

Action Level log
Changing the Notes for administrators Important [modify] form_memo_modify (fid:**, admin_memo:'**')
Changing report form Information Important [modify] form_modify (fid:**, name:'**', foreign_key:'**', enable_follow:'**', enable_member:'**', enable_partner:'**', memo:'**')
Moving Report Forms Important [modify] form_move (cid:**, s_cid:**, fid:**)
Enable/Disable Report form Important [modify] form_activate (fid:**, active:'**')
Deleting a report form Important [delete] form_delete (fid:**)
Properties Meaning Remarks
active Enable/Disable Report form One of the following values is displayed:
  • active
  • deactive
admin_memo Notes for Administrators  
cid Category ID  
cids_[integer starting from 1] Category ID  
enable_follow Whether to allow comments to be written One of the following values is displayed:
  • on
  • off
enable_member Whether to use the input field of attendees One of the following values is displayed:
  • on
  • off
enable_partner Whether to use the input field of the other party One of the following values is displayed:
  • on
  • off
fid Report Form ID  
foreign_key Report Form Code  
memo Description  
name Form name  
s_cid Category ID After moving