Locale Settings

Locales are settings or information that are configured for each geography and language.
You can set the following items for each locale, if the date and time are displayed differently depending on the region and language in which you want to use Garoon.

  • language
  • Long Date Format
  • Short Date Format
  • Time Format

Image showing the link to add locales

a): Time format
b): Short date format
c): Long date format

Adding Locales

You can add locales.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Localization".

  5. Click "Locale Settings".

  6. On the "Locale Settings" screen, click "Add a Locale".

    Image showing the link to add locales

  7. On the screen to add locales, enter the "Locale name" field.

    You should set the default locale name.
    Clicking "Add localized name" allows you to set locale names in multiple languages.
    If you do not set the locale name in the user preference language, the default locale name is displayed.
    The following languages can be set:

    • 日本語
    • English
    • 中文(简体
    • 中文(繁體
      Displayed in Traditional Chinese.
    Image showing the locale name

  8. Enter the "Locale Code" field.

    You should set this locale code.
    This is a unique code for identifying a locale.
    Locale Code Item

  9. In the "Language" field, set the language that is displayed on the screen.

    The following languages can be set:

    • 日本語
    • English
    • 中文(简体
    • 中文(繁體
      Displayed in Traditional Chinese.
    • Prioritize browser settings
    Image showing the language settings

  10. Set the display format to be applied to dates and times, such as date of creation or date of update.

    The setting fields are as follows:

    • Long Date Format
    • Short Date Format
    • Time Format
    Image showing the display format setting

  11. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Changing Locale Settings

You can change locale settings.
The changes are reflected in the personal settings of users. However, they are not applied to user-customized locales.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Localization".

  5. Click "Locale Settings".

  6. On the "Locale Settings" screen, click the locale name of the locale you want to change.

  7. On the locale details screen, click "Edit".

    Image of the link to edit

  8. On the screen to change locales, change the settings as necessary.

  9. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Deleting Locales

You can select locales and delete them.
If a user deletes an office, the user's office settings are inherited as "user-specific settings".

Deleting Locales One by One

You can delete locales one by one.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Localization".

  5. Click "Locale Settings".

  6. On the "Locale Settings" screen, click the locale name of the locale you want to delete.

  7. On the locale details screen, click "Delete".

    Image showing the delete button

  8. Click "Yes" on the screen to delete locales.

Deleting Multiple Locales in Bulk

You can select locales you want to delete, and delete them all together.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Basic system administration" tab.

  4. Click "Localization".

  5. Click "Locale Settings".

  6. On the "Locale Settings" screen, select the check boxes of the locales you want to delete, and then click "Delete".

    Image showing the selection of locales to delete

  7. Click "Yes" on the screen to delete locales in bulk.