E-mail input Limit

System Administration

Setting up E-Mail Servers

Item Limit value Remarks
Mail server code 100 characters  
Name of mail server 100 characters  
Outgoing mail server name (SMTP) 100 characters  
Outgoing port number 100 characters  
Incoming mail server 100 characters  
Incoming port number 100 characters  

User Accounts

Item Limit value Remarks
User account code 100 characters  
User account Name 100 characters  
E-mail 100 characters  
Incoming e-mail account name 100 characters  
Incoming e-mail password 64 characters  
Outgoing e-mail account name 100 characters  
Outgoing e-mail password 64 characters  
Search string 100 characters  

E-mail Size

Item Limit value Remarks
Total size of e-mails that one user can save Six characters When you select "(Specify upper Limit)", set

JavaScript and CSS Customization

Adding Customization Group

Item Limit value Remarks
Name 100 characters
JavaScript customization (Add link) 512 characters Up to 512 characters can be specified for single-byte characters. The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.
CSS customization (Add link) 512 characters Up to 512 characters can be specified for single-byte characters. The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

Personal Settings

E-mail Account Settings

Item Limit value Remarks
E-mail account name 100 characters  
E-mail 100 characters  
Incoming e-mail account name 100 characters  
Incoming e-mail password 64 characters  
Outgoing e-mail account name 100 characters  
Outgoing e-mail password 64 characters  

Signature Settings

Item Limit value Remarks
Name 100 characters  
Contents 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

Sender Information Settings

Item Limit value Remarks
Name to be represented in the from row 100 characters  

Filter Settings

Item Limit value Remarks
Filter Save setting Name 100 characters  
Filter conditions 100 characters  

Automatic Forwarding Settings

Item Limit value Remarks
Forwarding Name 100 characters  
Transfer conditions 100 characters  
Forwarding address 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

User Screens

Compose E-mails

Item Limit value Remarks
To 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.
Cc 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.
Bcc 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.
Subject 255 characters  
Body 4294967295 characters Up to 4294967295 characters can be specified for single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.
Signature 65,535 characters This field is displayed when the signature has been set in the personal settings.
The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

Adding Folders

Item Limit value Remarks
Subject 100 characters  
Memo 65,535 characters The maximum number of characters is 65535 with single-byte characters.
The maximum number of characters varies depending on the character type.

Searching E-mails

Item Limit value Remarks
Search string 100 characters