Adding Request Forms

Add request forms to categories.
Set basic information in a request form such as a request form name and a request form code.
You cannot add request forms to "(Root)".

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category, and then click to add a request form.

    If you do not have categories to add your reports, add categories. For details, refer to Setting Categories.
    Image of an adding request forms action link surrounded by a red rectangle box

  7. On the screen to add request forms, set the required items.

  8. Confirm your settings and click Add.

Setting Items for Request Forms

Image of setting items for request forms

Item Description
Request Form Name Enter a request form name.
Request Form Code Enter a request form code.
This is a unique code for identifying request forms.
Description Enter a request form description.
Contents entered in this field are displayed on the screen to create requests (select request forms) of users.
Request creation screen
Export request data automatically Select whether to export request data submitted using this request form to a CSV file automatically.
To export request data, select the check box to export automatically, and set the following items:
  • Export the name of the applicant:
    Select whether to export the applicant's login name to the CSV file.
  • Include header row:
    Set whether to export the item names to the first row of the CSV file.
  • Directory name for exporting request data:
    Specify the name of the directory to save the exported request data. You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and _ (underscores).
    For example, if the directory name is "auto_export", the CSV file will be stored as follows:
    • On Windows:
      C:\Program Files\cybozu\mysql-5.0\files\cbgrn\workflow\auto_export\
    • On Linux:
For details, see Exporting Request Data to a CSV File Automatically.