Setting route branching conditions

Specify branching conditions and route steps.

Adding Route Branching Conditions

You can set the conditions for branching routes and the contents of the branches.
The route branching conditions are applied in descending order from the "Route branching conditions list".

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category and click the request form name.

  7. On the screen for request form details, click Add in the route branching conditions list.

    Image of an add action link

  8. On the "Add branching conditions for Request route Step" screen, enter the "Route branching name" field.

    The route branching name must be set.
    A page for entering route branching names

  9. Set the branching conditions field.

    Branching conditions vary depending on the item type.

    • Menu:
      Set the branching conditions in comparison with the choices that you have selected in the menu and the choices that you have set here. Image of the route conditions of the menu
    • Numeric or automatic calculation:
      You can set branching conditions in a comparison between the value entered by the applicant, or the value calculated in the request form, and the value entered here. Image of the route conditions of a numeric or automatic calculation
    • Radio button:
      You can set branching conditions in a comparison between the choices selected by the radio buttons and the choices you set here. Image of the route conditions of radio buttons
    • Checkboxes:
      Set branching conditions whether or not the applicant has selected a checkbox. Image of checkboxes surrounded by red borders

  10. In the "Route" field, clear the checkbox for the route step that you want to omit if the conditions set for branching conditions are met. Image that the checkbox for the omitted route step is cleared

  11. Confirm your settings and click Add.

    • Example of branching a route according to the amount of money Image when branching a route according to the amount of money
    • Example of branching a route according to the organization of affiliation Image for branching route according to organization

Changing Route Branching Conditions

Change the settings for route branching conditions.

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category and click the request form name.

  7. On the screen for request form details, click the branch name of the route to change in the route branching conditions list.

  8. On the "Request Route step Details" screen, click Edit.

    Image of an edit action link

  9. On the "Change branching conditions for request route step" screen, set the required items.

  10. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Reorder Route Branching Conditions

Reorder route branching conditions.
Route branching conditions are applied in descending order from the "Route branching conditions list".

  1. Click the administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category and click the request form name.

  7. On the screen for request form details, click "Reorder" in the route branching conditions list.

    Image of a reordering action link

  8. On the "reorder branching conditions in the request route step" screen, reorder route branching conditions.

    Screen for reordering branching conditions on request route step

  9. Confirm your settings and click Save.

Deleting Route Branching Conditions

Delete route branching conditions.

Deleting Route Branching Conditions One by One

Delete the route branching conditions one at a time.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category and click the request form name.

  7. On the screen for request form details, click the branch name of the route branching condition to delete.

  8. On the "Request Route step Details" screen, click Delete.

    Image of a delete action link

  9. Click Yes on the "Delete branching conditions for request route steps" screen.

Deleting Multiple Route Branching Conditions in Bulk

Select the route branching conditions you want to delete, and delete them all together.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

  2. Click "System settings".

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request Form" list screen, select a category and click the request form name.

  7. On the screen for request form details, select the checkbox for the route branching conditions to delete in the list, and then click Delete.

    Image of the 'Delete' button which is surrounded by the red rectangle box

  8. Click Yes on the "Delete all branching conditions in the request route step" screen.