Preparing for Upgrading

To upgrade Garoon, the following preparation steps are required:

Checking Upgrade Requirements

If you use Power Up Kit Series Group Mail for Garoon, you must consult our official partners or your vendor.
You can find our partners by searching Cybozu Partner Network in our product site.

Backing Up the Current Garoon Instance

Before you upgrade Garoon, you must back up the data for your current instance. For details on how to back up, refer to Backup and Restoration in the "Administrator Help" for the version you are currently using.

Ensuring that You Know the Database Administrator Password

You must know the database administrator password that was set when the current Garoon instance was installed.

Changing IIS Settings

If you upgrade Garoon in Windows environment, perform the following to change IIS settings.

  • Add MIME types
  • Enable directory browsing
  • Edit handler mappings:
    Change this setting if you use the different versions of IIS before and after the upgrade.

For details on how to configure the settings, refer to Changing IIS Settings.

Checking Libraries

For Linux, ensure that the libraries required for running Garoon are installed. For libraries used by Garoon, refer to Necessary Libraries on Linux (Garoon 5.x.x or later).

Stopping the Full Text Search Server

When using the Full Text Search Server, stop Solr and Worker on the server machine where the Full text search server is deployed.
It is recommended that you stop the Full Text Search Server after stopping Garoon.

For Windows:

1. From Administrative Tools on Windows, open "Services".
2. Select the following services, and click "Stop Service".

  • Cybozu_SearchServer_Worker
  • Cybozu_SearchServer_Solr
For Linux:

Run the following commands sequentially.

[root@garoon admin]# /etc/init.d/cbss_solr stop
[root@garoon admin]# /etc/init.d/cbss_worker stop

For details on how to stop the services, refer to the Full Text Search Server Guide.