Logs of User Operations on Scheduler

Action Level log
New appointment Important [create] event (eid:**, event_title:'***', attendance_check:**)
Use attendance response request Important [modify] attendance_status (eid:**, value:'**')
Leave appointments Important [modify] event (eid:**, event_title:**)
Attending Appointments Important [modify] event (eid:**, event_title:**)
Attendee responses to appointments Important [modify] attendance_status (eid:, value:'**', comment:'***')
Change response Important [modify] attendance_status (eid:**, value:'**', comment:'***')
Initializing attendee responses to appointments Important [modify] event (eid:**, event_title:'***', attendance_check:**, attendance_status_initialize:**)
Add attachment Important [create] file (eid:**, fid:**, file_name:'**')
Changing attachment file information Important [modify] file_information (eid:**, fid:**, file_name:'**', version_setting:**)
Deleting attachments Important [delete] file (eid:**, fid:**, file_name:'**')
Download attachment General [download] file(eid:**, fid:**, file_name:'**', version:**)
Deleting regular appointments 1 Important [delete] event (eid:**, event_title:'**', attendance_check:**)
Deleting an appointment period 1 Important [delete] event (eid:**, event_title:'**', attendance_check:**)
Deleting repeating appointments 1 Important [delete] event (eid:**, event_title:'**' range:'**', attendance_check:**)
Delete Tentative Appointments 1 Important [delete] event (eid:**, event_title:'**' tentative_appointment:'**', attendance_check:**)
Confirm Appointment Important [fix] event (eid:**, event_title:**)
Process request Important [modify] event_facility_approval (eid:**, faid:**, uid:**, status:'**', comment:'***')
Failure of adding appointment with Web conference Error [netmeeting_rsv_add] netmeeting_api_error (error_cd:***, error_msg:'***')
Failed to forward e-mail. Warning Could not forward the schedule notification
Writing an appointment comment Important [create] follow (eid:**, follow_id:**)
1: Excludes all system administration appointments.

Properties Meaning Remarks
attendance_check Attendance One of the following values is displayed:
  • 0 (not used)
  • 1 (use)
attendance_status_initialize Initializing attendee responses to appointments One of the following values is displayed:
  • 0 (Do not initialize responses)
  • 1 (Initialize responses)
comment Comment  
eid Event ID  
error_cd V Cube Meeting Error code  
error_msg V Cube Meeting Error messages  
event_title Appointment Title  
fid File ID  
file_name File name  
follow_id File name  
range Scope of the appointment to be deleted The time zone of the user who deleted the appointment is applied.
The following values are displayed
  • only YYYY-MM-DD
    (This appointment only (YYYY MM DD Day))
  • on and after YYYY-MM-DD
    (Planned for the DD and later days of the MM YYYY)
  • All (all appointments)
status Results of facility usage requests One of the following values is displayed:
  • Accept (Approval for facility usage requests)
  • Reject (rejection of facility usage requests)
tentative_appointment start date and time of a tentative appointment The time zone of the user who deleted the appointment is applied.
value Results of attendance checks One of the following values is displayed:
  • Attend
  • Absent (absent)
version_setting Versioning settings The following values are displayed
  • 0 (not managed)
  • -1 (unlimited)
  • Numbers other than 0 and-1 (number of generations)