Logs of OAuth Client Settings

Action Level log
Add OAuth client Important [create] oauth_client(id:*, display_name:'**', provider_name:'**', client_id:'**', oauth_client_code:'**')
Edit OAuth client Important [modify] oauth_client(id:*, display_name:'**', provider_name:'**', client_id:'**', oauth_client_code:'**')
Delete OAuth client Important [delete] oauth_client(id:*, display_name:'**', provider_name:'**', client_id:'**', oauth_client_code:'**')
Properties Meaning Remarks
client_id Client ID  
display_name OAuth Display name of the client  
id Setting ID of your OAuth client It is an ID automatically configured by Garoon.
oauth_client_code OAuth client code It is a code automatically configured by Garoon.
provider_name Provider One of the following values is displayed:
  • Google
  • Microsoft