File Structure in the Windows Environment

CGI application

The CGI application of Garoon is installed in the CGI directory that you specified during installation. The various files of the CGI application are stored in a subdirectory of the CGI directory that is named with your installation identifier.

  • Example of the CGI directory: C:\inetpub\scripts
C:\inetpub\scripts	CGI directory
  └ \cbgrn	installation identifier
    ├ \code	Garoon programs
    │  ├ \command
    │  ├ \compiled_container
    │  ├ \doc_root
    │  ├ \include
    │  ├ \pear
    │  ├ \plugin
    │  ├ \sched
    │  ├ \smarty
    │  └ \vendor
    ├ \db
    ├ \extensions	Necessary PHP extension files
    ├ \grn	Necessary configuration files for Garoon
    ├ \help
    ├ \initialize
    ├ \locale	Garoon language resources
    ├ \logs
    ├ \page	Garoon template files
    ├ \sessiondata	PHP session data
    ├ \smarty
    │  ├ \cashed 	Cache data of the smarty library
    │  └ \compiled	Compiled templates of the smarty library
    ├ \tmp	Temporary files created by PHP scripts
    ├ \upload_temp	PHP temporary uploaded files
    ├ \cacert.pem
    ├ \common.ini
    ├ \caching_sha2_password.dll
    ├ \db_error.log
    ├ \delete_groupmail_garbagebox.log
    ├ \delete_log_file.log
    ├ \delete_user.log
    ├ \garoon.ini
    ├ \garoon_lwc.ini
    ├ \garoon_policy.ini
    ├ \grn.exe
    ├ \grn_initialize.log
    ├ \icudt72.dll
    ├ \icuin72.dll
    ├ \icuio72.dll
    ├ \icuuc72.dll
    ├ \libcrypto-3-x64.dll
    ├ \libmariadb.dll
    ├ \libsasl.dll
    ├ \libssh2.dll
    ├ \libssl-3-x64.dll
    ├ \LICENSE_en.txt
    ├ \LICENSE_ja.txt
    ├ \LICENSE_zh.txt
    ├ \logger.ini
    ├ \lwc.ini
    ├ \nghttp2.dll
    ├ \php.ini
    ├ \php8.dll
    ├ \sched.exe
    ├ \sched.ini
    ├ \sched.log
    ├ \state.ini
    └ \system_admin.ini

MySQL files are stored in the installation directory that you specified during installation.

  • Example of the installation directory: C:\Program Files\Cybozu
C:\Program Files\Cybozu	installation directory
  └ \mysql-5.0	MySQL files
    ├ \bin
    │  ├ \libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
    │  ├ \libprotobuf-lite.dll
    │  ├ \libssl-1_1-x64.dll
    │  ├ \my_print_defaults.exe
    │  ├ \mysql.exe
    │  ├ \mysqladmin.exe
    │  ├ \mysqlbinlog.exe
    │  ├ \mysqlcheck.exe
    │  ├ \mysqld.exe
    │  ├ \mysqldump.exe
    │  └ \mysqlimport.exe
    ├ \data	MySQL data and logs
    │  ├ \#innodb_temp
    │  ├ \cb_cbgrn
    │  ├ \cb_slash
    │  ├ \mysql
    │  ├ \performance_schema
    │  ├ \sys
    │  ├ \#ib_16384_0.dblwr
    │  ├ \#ib_16384_1.dblwr
    │  ├ \auto.cnf
    │  ├ \error.log
    │  ├ \ib_buffer_pool
    │  ├ \ib_logfile0
    │  ├ \ib_logfile1
    │  ├ \ib_logfile2
    │  ├ \ibdata1
    │  ├ \ibtmp1
    │  ├ \mysql.ibd
    │  ├ \
    │  ├ private_key.pem
    │  ├ public_key.pem
    │  ├ \slow.log
    │  ├ \undo_001
    │  └ \undo_002
    ├ \etc
    │  ├ \Samples
    │  ├ \my.ini
    │  └ \worker.ini
    ├ \files	Attachments in Garoon
    │  └ \cbgrn
    ├ \lib
    │  └ \private
    ├ \share
    │  ├ \charsets
    │  └ \english
    └ \tmp
Image file

Image files are stored in a subdirectory named with your installation identifier.

  • Example of the document root directory: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
C:\inetpub\wwwroot	Document root directory
  └ \cbgrn	installation identifier
    ├ \3rd_party_license	Third party license information
    ├ \api	Files used by related products
    ├ \dist	Files used by related products
    ├ \fw	Framework image files, and so on
    ├ \grn	Garoon image files, and so on
    │  ├ \common
    │  ├ \html
    │  └ \image
    │    ├ \cybozu
    │    ├ \oauth
    ├ \help	Garoon Help files
    └ \tinymce	Image files for rich text format, and so on