OAuth error

Errors that start with "GRN_OAUTH_" are displayed when errors relating to OAuth occur.

GRN_OAUTH_00001:OAuth authorization server has returned invalid parameters.

  • Cause
    Specification of the OAuth authorization server that your provider supports may be changed.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_OAUTH_00002:OAuth authorization failed.

  • Cause
    OAuth authorization was rejected.
  • Countermeasure
    Try OAuth authorization again.

GRN_OAUTH_00003:An unexpected error has occurred on the OAuth authorization server.

  • Cause
    A failure may have occurred on the OAuth authorization server that your provider supports.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_OAUTH_00004:Failed to obtain the token from the OAuth authorization server.

  • Cause
    A failure may have occurred on the OAuth authorization server that your provider supports, or the specification of the server may be changed.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_OAUTH_00005:Failed to obtain the account information from the OAuth authorization server.

  • Cause
    A failure may have occurred on the OAuth authorization server that your provider supports, or the specification of the server may be changed.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_OAUTH_00006:The specified "Incoming e-mail account" differs from the account used in the OAuth authorization.

  • Cause
    Either the specified "Incoming e-mail account" or the account used in the OAuth authorization may not be correct.
  • Countermeasure
    Check your entries and try the authorization again.

GRN_OAUTH_00008:The process failed.

  • Cause
    *** is not specified.
  • Countermeasure
    Add *** and try again.

GRN_OAUTH_00009:The process failed.

  • Cause
    The length of *** is less than the minimum characters required.
  • Countermeasure
    The length of *** must be *** characters or more.
    Increase the number of characters and try again.

GRN_OAUTH_00010:The process failed.

  • Cause
    The length of *** exceeds the maximum characters allowed.
  • Countermeasure
    The maximum length of *** is *** characters.
    Reduce the number of characters and try again.

GRN_OAUTH_00012:The process failed.

  • Cause
    The setting of *** is not valid.
  • Countermeasure
    Select *** again.

GRN_OAUTH_00013:Cannot find the OAuth client.

  • Cause
    The OAuth client was specified incorrectly or no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Specify the correct OAuth client.
    For details on how to specify the OAuth client, contact your system administrator.

GRN_OAUTH_00015:Cannot delete the OAuth client.

  • Cause
    *** is already used in the e-mail server settings.
  • Countermeasure
    Change the e-mail server settings.

GRN_OAUTH_00016:The access privilege to the e-mail server is not sufficient.

  • Cause
    The necessary access privilege to the e-mail server is not selected in the OAuth authorization.
  • Countermeasure
    Try the OAuth authorization again and select the necessary access privilege to the e-mail server.

GRN_OAUTH_00017:Failed to authenticate the e-mail server configured for system e-mails.

  • Cause
    The account used in the OAuth authorization is not correct, or access to the e-mail server is not permitted.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm that the account used in the OAuth authorization is correct, and try the authorization again.